[OPE-L:1741] Re: Re: another journal?

Subject: [OPE-L:1741] Re: Re: another journal?
From: riccardo bellofiore (bellofio@cisi.unito.it)
Date: Thu Nov 25 1999 - 05:27:50 EST

For those interested, the content of the other, more recent IJPE referred
to by Jerry is the following:

FALL 1998, Vol 28 No 3

        *The Enigma of Value*

Editor's Note

The Concept of Labor in Marx
  Riccardo Bellofiore

The Enigma of Value
  Claudio Napoleoni

The Broken Link
  Fernando Vianello

The Principle of Labor Value
  Marco Lippi

Value and Dialectic in Marx
  Lucio Colletti

Marx's Value
  Elmar Altvater, Juergen Hoffman, Willi Semmler

Magic Formulas and Arsenic Powder
  Pierangelo Garegnani


Also in this case I may send it to those interested (but don't tell the

A few comments.

(i) this second issue includes the translations of papers published on
'Rinascita', the theoretical weekly magazine of the Italian Communist
Party, 'Rinascita', in 1978, with the exception of mine, which was a
comment on some aspects of the debate in Modena and on 'Rinascita'
(published in "Ricerche Economiche", 1979). There is a paper which
unfortunately is missing, Garegnani's 'The Reality of Exploitation', longer
than the others. It was published in Rinascita after the paper by
Napoleoni. In truth, some other papers were published after Altvater etc.,
but they were not very interesting, especially for economists. Garegnani's
paper is not published because he told the journal that it has been
submitted to the Cambridge Journal of Economics. Knowing Garegnani, I am
not sure this is actually true. May be he would like to submit it in the
future. Since he is a perfectionist, this may take some decades. This may
be true even if he actually submitted it! The papers by Vianello, Lippi,
Colletti, Altvater etc. refer to Garegnani's The Reality of Exploitation.
The last paper of the issue is Garegnani's answer to his critics. This of
course may create some problems to reader, but the alternative would have
been not to publish the traslations.

(ii) the debate was already published in another language different from
Italian, including the Garegnani's paper just quoted, i.e. in Spanish (I
guess it is out of print now, I saw it in Mexico city some years ago, when
I suggested Paul Mattick jr. to ask the copyright for the translation in
English of the papers). This means that those who read Spanish (or
Italian!) may have a chance to read Garegnani's first paper.

(iii) in the introduction to the *Marxian Theory: The Italian Debate*,
which mostly includes papers of the 1980s, I give a short survey of the
debate in Italy, including the Modena conference. A much longer discussion
is in my paper on Rivista di Politica Economica, but it covers only the
'60s and the early '70s.

(iv) unfortunately, I am very unhappy with the work style of Sharpe, the
publisher of IJPE. This is one of the reasons why I don't appear as the
editor of this last issue, though I actually worked hard on it. The other
reason is that my 1979 paper translated here was *one* voice in the debate,
and I didn't wanted that my paper appeared as the Guest Editor's
introduction. If this would have happened, my voice would have been
overwhelming, and not presented as a 'biased' one. Why I am unhappy with
Sharpe? Consider that the IJPE is a review of translations, provided by the
publishers (and this, I guess, is the justification for the very high
subscription price). I realised with the other, first issue edited by me
that the translations were not so good (so, to make an example, the paper
by Graziani now are OK, but because he had the time to revise the
translations [and was furious!]; the paper by Messori had only a cursory
revision, and I guess it may create problems in understanding to the
readers). This time I revised the translations (paying a person on my
research funds!), with the exception of Garegnani's [indeed, I sent him the
suggestions for corrections, but I fear that he took too much time to
decide, and the publisher, which stupidly wanted the proofs in a few weeks,
may have published their first translation]. Moreover, the publisher does
not trace the English translations of Marx's quotes, nor the English
references. Frankly, this was something I could not do, beacuse of other
duties and commitments (nor Sharpe was willing to wait). This is relevant
to this last issue. For the quotes, I've done my best to check that the
translations from Marx (from the Italian!) make sense. But in a few cases I
had to limit myself to suggest to check some words, which were surely wrong
in the translation provided, and which I could not correct at the time. I
put these words in capital blocks. Sharpe was able to publish one of them,
in a quote from the Grundrisse, in capital blocks, without looking at the
right translation (you will see this on page 37)!!! So you had in Italian
'antitetico', and Sharpe published 'antiethical' (the translation in the
Penguin is 'contradictory', which is much better). However, this time the
issue should be readable in English in its totality, with the possible
exception of Garegnani's.



At 15:51 +0100 24-11-1999, Gerald Levy wrote:
>Remember we talked a little bit about Marxist journals last month?
>No one mentioned the "International Journal of Political Economy" (IJPE).
>The Summer, 1997 issue (printed in 1998) has the following contents:
> *Marxian Theory: The Italian Debate*
> Guest Editor: Riccardo Bellofiore
>Guest Editor's Introduction
> Riccardo Bellofiore
>Let's Rehabilitate the Theory of Value
> Augusto Graziani
>The Marxist Theory of Money
> Augusto Graziani
>The Theory of Value Without Commodity Money?
> Preliminary Observations on Marx's Analysis of Money
> Marcello Messori
>Finance and the Labour Theory of Value
> Toward a Macroeconomic Theory of Distribution from a Monetary Perspective
> Riccardo Bellofiore and Riccardo Realfonzo
>*Riccardo has very generously offered to send a photocopy of the above to
> any OPE-L subscriber who asks him for a copy*.
>Also: A new IJPE issue has just been printed. It includes papers
>which appeared in Italian in 1978 (plus a 1979 paper of Riccardo's,
>indeed his first one) from a conference on "Marx, Sraffa and the Labour
>Theory of Value", which was held in Modena. This "new" issue is a 1999
>issue, though dated 1998.
>In solidarity, Jerry

        Riccardo Bellofiore
Office: Department of Economics
        Piazza Rosate, 2
        I-24129 Bergamo, Italy
Home: Via Massena, 51
        I-10128 Torino, Italy
e-mail bellofio@cisi.unito.it, bellofio@unibg.it
tel: +39 035 277545 (direct)
        +39 035 277501 (dept.)
        +39 011 5819619 (home)
fax: +39 035 249975

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