Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

Working with Graphics: WMF Format

There are probably a number of programs which allow you to save images in wmf, windows metafile format. For example, I find Sketch Pad a nice program for creating and Labeling geometric images, and Sketch Pad allows you to save images in wmf format. However, if your favorite program does not have this capability, a program called clipmet2 can be used to take an image off the clipboard and convert it the wmf format. I got my copy of clipmet2 in a distribution of DVIWIN32 which is a screen previewer for dvi files. Typically I will print the screen using the PrtSc key, or copy a picture in some program to get an image on the clipboard. Then I will paste the image in Microsoft Photo Editor, and crop it to what I want. I then copy the cropped image back to the clipboard. Finally I run clipmet2 which asks me for the name of the final wmf file. The resulting wmf file is then easily included as a special in a LaTeX document.

| Introduction | Obtaining Images | EPS Format
In LaTeX | In EmTeX | In PCTeX | In Lotus Notes | On Web Pages |

Elmer K. Hayashi

Created 12/10/97. Last modified 06/09/2000. Email to