PHY 711 Classical mechanics and mathematical methods

PHY 711 Classical Mechanics and Mathematical Methods

MWF 10 AM-10:50 AM OPL 103

Instructor: Natalie Holzwarth Office:300 OPL

Course schedule

(Preliminary schedule -- subject to frequent adjustment.)
DateF&W Topic HW
1 Mon, 8/28/2023Introduction and overview #1
2 Wed, 8/30/2023Chap. 3(17)Calculus of variation #2
3 Fri, 9/01/2023Chap. 3(17)Calculus of variation #3
4 Mon, 9/04/2023Chap. 3Lagrangian equations of motion #4
5 Wed, 9/06/2023Chap. 3 & 6Lagrangian equations of motion #5
6 Fri, 9/08/2023Chap. 3 & 6Lagrangian equations of motion #6
7 Mon, 9/11/2023Chap. 3 & 6Lagrangian to Hamiltonian formalism #7
8 Wed, 9/13/2023Chap. 3 & 6Phase space
9 Fri, 9/15/2023Chap. 3 & 6Canonical Transformations #8
10 Mon, 9/18/2023Chap. 5Dynamics of rigid bodies #9
11 Wed, 9/20/2023Chap. 5Dynamics of rigid bodies #10
12 Fri, 9/22/2023Chap. 5Dynamics of rigid bodies #11
13 Mon, 9/25/2023Chap. 1Scattering analysis #12
14 Wed, 9/27/2023Chap. 1Scattering analysis #13
15 Fri, 9/29/2023Chap. 1Scattering analysis #14
16 Mon, 10/2/2023Chap. 4Small oscillations near equilibrium
17 Wed, 10/4/2023Chap. 4Normal mode analysis Mid term start
18 Fri, 10/6/2023Chap. 4Normal mode analysis
22 Mon, 10/9/2023Chap. 7Normal modes of continuous string
20 Wed, 10/11/2023Review and summary Mid term due
Fri, 10/13/2023Fall Break
21 Mon, 10/16/2023Chap. 7The wave and other partial differential equations #15
22 Wed, 10/18/2023Chap. 7Sturm-Liouville equations #16
23 Fri, 10/20/2023Chap. 7Sturm-Liouville equations #17
24 Mon, 10/23/2023Chap. 7Laplace transforms and complex functions #18
25 Wed, 10/25/2023Chap. 7Complex integration #19
26 Fri, 10/27/2023Chap. 8Wave motion in 2 dimensional membranes #20
27 Mon, 10/30/2023Chap. 9Motion in 3 dimensional ideal fluids #21
28 Wed, 11/01/2023Chap. 9Motion in 3 dimensional ideal fluids #22
29 Fri, 11/03/2023Chap. 9Ideal gas fluids #23
30 Mon, 11/06/2023Chap. 9Traveling and standing waves in the linear approximation #24
31 Wed, 11/08/2023Chap. 9Non-linear and other wave properties Topic
32 Fri, 11/10/2023Chap. 9Analysis of non-linear waves and shock waves #25
33 Mon, 11/13/2023Chap. 10Surface waves in fluids #26
34 Wed, 11/15/2023Chap. 10Surface waves in fluids; soliton solutions #27
35 Fri, 11/17/2023Chap. 11Heat conduction #28
36 Mon, 11/20/2023Chap. 12Viscous effects in hydrodynamics
Wed, 11/22/2023Thanksgiving
Fri, 11/24/2023Thanksgiving
Mon, 11/27/2023Presentations I
Wed, 11/29/2023Presentations 2
Fri, 12/01/2023Presentations 3
37 Mon, 12/04/2023Chap. 12Viscous effects in hydrodynamics
38 Wed, 12/06/2023Review
39 Fri, 12/08/2023Review

PHY 711 -- Assignment #2

Assigned: 8/30/2023   Due: 9/4/2023

Start reading Chapter 3, especially Section 17, in Fetter & Walecka.

PHY 711 -- Assignment #4

Assigned: 9/04/2023   Due: 9/11/2023

Continue reading Chapter 3, in Fetter & Walecka.

Consider a point particle of mass m moving (only) along the x axis according to a force Fx=-K x, where K is a positive constant. The particle trajectory as a function of time, x(t), has the initial value x(t=0)=C, where C denotes a given length, and its initial velocity is 0.

PHY 711 -- Assignment #5

Assigned: 9/06/2023   Due: 9/11/2023

Continue reading Chapters 3 & 6 in Fetter & Walecka.

In class, we discussed two different examples of a time-independent vector potential A(r) that describes a constant magnetic field of magnitude B0 directed along the z axis.

PHY 711 -- Assignment #6

Assigned: 9/08/2023   Due: 9/18/2023


  1. The figure above shows a box of mass m sliding on the frictionless surface of an inclined plane (angle θ). The inclined plane itself has a mass M and is supported on a horizontal frictionless surface. Write down the Lagrangian for this system in terms of the generalized coordinates X and s and the fixed constants of the system (θ, m, M, etc.) and determine the equations of motion. (Note that X and s represent components of vectors whose directions are related by the angle θ.)
  2. Assume that initially X(t=0)=0 and s(t=0)=0 and that the corresponding velocities are also 0. Find the trajectories X(t) and s(t) for t > 0.

PHY 711 -- Assignment #8

Assigned: 9/15/2023   Due: 9/25/2023

Finish reading Chapters 3 and 6 in Fetter & Walecka.

PHY 711 -- Assignment #9

Assigned: 9/18/2023   Due: 9/25/2023

Start reading Chapter 5 in Fetter & Walecka.

  1. The figure above shows a rigid 3 atom molecule placed in the x-y plane as shown. Assume that the rigid bonds are massless.
    1. Find the moment of inertia tensor in the given coordinate system placed of mass M in terms of the atom masses, bond lengths d, and angle α.
    2. Find the principal moments moments of inertia I1, I2,I3 and the corresponding principal axes.
    3. (Extra credit.) Find the principal moments and axes for a coordinate system with its origin placed at the center of mass of the molecule.

PHY 711 -- Assignment #11

Assigned: 9/22/2023   Due: 9/25/2023

This is an opportunity to re-examine HW 7 and earn more points for your corrected solution (up to 90 percent of the 2 point total).

PHY 711 -- Assignment #13

Assigned: 9/27/2023   Due: 10/02/2023

Continue reading Chapter 1 in Fetter & Walecka.

PHY 711 -- Assignment #17

Assigned: 10/20/2023   Due: 10/23/2023

Continue reading Chapter 7 in Fetter & Walecka.

  1. Consider the function f(x) = x2 (1-x) in the interval 0 ≤ x ≤ 1. Find the coefficients An of the Fourier series based on the terms sin( n π x). Extra credit: Plot f(x) and the Fourier series including 3 terms.

PHY 711 -- Assignment #20

Assigned: 10/27/2023   Due: 10/30/2023

Read Chapter 8 in Fetter & Walecka.

  1. In the last few slides of Lecture 20, we considered an annular membrane stretched between the circular radii a ≤ r ≤ b. Find a wave form f(r) for the case that a=0.5 and b=1, assuming angular uniformity (m=0) and that f(a)=f(b)=0.

PHY 711 -- Assignment #21

Assigned: 10/30/2023   Due: 11/06/2023

Read Chapter 9 in Fetter & Walecka.

  1. A tank having an area of 100 m2 is open to the atmosphere and contains 1000 m3 of water. It has a spigot at it bottom which has a height of 1 m above a drain in the floor. A hose having a diameter of 1 cm is used to empty the water from the tank when the spigot is opened. Using Bernoulli's analysis, estimate the time it takes to empty the tank via the floor drain.

PHY 711 -- Assignment #22

Assigned: 11/01/2023   Due: 11/06/2023

Continue reading Chapter 9 in Fetter & Walecka.

  1. Consider the example discussed in Lecture 28, concerning the flow of an incompressible fluid in the z direction in the presence of a stationary cylindrical log oriented in the y direction. For this homework problem, the log is replaced by a stationary sphere. Find the velocity potential for this case, using the center of the sphere as the origin of the coordinate system and spherical polar coordinates.

PHY 711 -- Assignment #23

Assigned: 11/03/2023   Due: 11/06/2023

Continue reading Chapter 9 in Fetter & Walecka.

  1. In class, we derived an expression for the linearized differential equation describing density fluctuations δ ρ within an ideal gas under isentropic conditions, finding a wave equation. Choose an ideal gas (such as air) and two different conditions of pressure, temperature, etc. to estimate the wave speeds. c0.

PHY 711 -- Assignment #24

Assigned: 11/06/2023   Due: 11/13/2023

Continue reading Chapter 9 in Fetter & Walecka.

  1. Consider a cylindrical pipe of length 0.5 m and radius 0.05 m, open at both ends. For air at 300 K and atmospheric pressure in this pipe, find several of the lowest frequency resonances, including at least one that has non-trivial radial dependence.

PHY 711 -- Assignment #25

Assigned: 11/10/2023   Due: 11/13/2023

Finish reading Chapter 9 in Fetter & Walecka.

  1. In class, we discussed how to visualize the non-linear behavior of an adiabatic ideal gas with parameter γ. Using Maple or Mathematica or other software and using a parametric plot formalism, create an animated gif file to show the traveling waveform s(w), where s is a shape of your choice and w=x-u(s(w))t. You will also need to choose the value of γ as well.

PHY 711 -- Assignment #26

Assigned: 11/13/2023   Due: 11/20/2023

Start reading Chapter 10 in Fetter & Walecka.

  1. Work Problem 10.3 at the end of Chapter 10 in Fetter and Walecka. Note that some of ideas are discussed in Lecture 33.

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Last modfied: Saturday, 02-Dec-2023 22:06:29 EST