PHY 711 Classical mechanics and mathematical methods

PHY 711 Classical Mechanics and Mathematical Methods

MWF 10 AM-10:50 AM OPL 103

Instructor: Natalie Holzwarth Office:300 OPL

Lecture Notes

  1. Lecture 1 -- Welcome -- PP   PDF   Maple example   PDF file   Mathematica example   PDF file  
  2. Lecture 2 -- Calculus of variation -- PP   PDF   PP Extra   PDF Extra  
  3. Lecture 3 -- Calculus of variation -- PP   PDF  
  4. Lecture 4 -- Lagrangian formalism PP   PDF   PP Extra   PDF Extra  
  5. Lecture 5 -- Lagrangian equations of motion PP   PDF   PP Extra   PDF Extra  
  6. Lecture 6 -- Constants of the motion PP   PDF  
  7. Lecture 7 -- Constants of the motion PP   PDF  
  8. Lecture 8 -- Phase space PP   PDF   HC Andersen PDF   Nose PDF  
  9. Lecture 9 -- Canonical transformations PP   PDF  
  10. Lecture 10 -- Rigid body motion PP   PDF   PP Extra   PDF Extra  
  11. Lecture 11 -- Rigid body motion PP   PDF  
  12. Lecture 12 -- Rigid body motion PP   PDF  
  13. Lecture 13 -- Scattering analysis PP   PDF  
  14. Lecture 14 -- Scattering analysis PP   PDF  
  15. Lecture 15 -- Scattering analysis PP   PDF  
  16. Lecture 16 -- Small oscillations near equilibrium PP   PDF   Maple file  Maple PDF  Mathematica file  Mathematica PDF 
  17. Lecture 17 -- Normal mode analysis PP   PDF  
  18. Lecture 18 -- Normal mode analysis PP   PDF  
  19. Lecture 19 -- One dimensional ocsillations on a continuous string PP   PDF   Extra PP   Extra PDF  
  20. Lecture 20 -- Review and summary PP   PDF  
  21. Lecture 21 -- The wave and other partial differential equations PP   PDF  
  22. Lecture 22 -- Solutions to Sturm-Liouville equations PP   PDF  
  23. Lecture 23 -- Sturm-Liouville eigenfunctions and Fourier transforms PP   PDF  
  24. Lecture 24 -- Sturm-Liouville eigenfunctions and Laplace transforms PP   PDF  
  25. Lecture 25 -- Contour integration methods PP   PDF  
  26. Lecture 26 -- Waves in 2-dimensional membranes PP   PDF  
  27. Lecture 27 -- Motion in 3-dimensional fluids PP   PDF  
  28. Lecture 28 -- Motion in 3-dimensional fluids PP   PDF  
  29. Lecture 29 -- Ideal gas fluids PP   PDF  
  30. Lecture 30 -- Linear waves and resonances in an ideal gas PP   PDF  
  31. Lecture 31 -- More general effects of sound waves PP   PDF  
  32. Lecture 32 -- Non-linear traveling sound waves and shock analysis PP   PDF  
  33. Lecture 33 -- Waves on a water surface PP   PDF  
  34. Lecture 34 -- Waves on a water surface PP   PDF  
  35. Lecture 35 -- Heat transport PP   PDF  
  36. Lecture 36 -- Viscous effects in fluids PP   PDF  
  37. Lecture 37 -- Viscous effects in fluids PP   PDF  
  38. Lecture 38 -- Review -- Part I PP   PDF  
  39. Lecture 39 -- Review -- Part II PP   PDF  

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