PHY 712 Electrodynamics

MWF 10-10:50 AM Olin 103 Webpage:

Instructor: Natalie Holzwarth Office:300 OPL

Course schedule for Spring 2025

(Preliminary schedule -- subject to frequent adjustment.)
Lecture date
JDJ Reading
Due date
1 Mon: 01/13/2025 Chap. 1 & Appen. Introduction, units and Poisson equation #1 01/15/2025
2 Wed: 01/15/2025 Chap. 1 Electrostatic energy calculations #2 01/17/2025
3 Fri: 01/17/2025 Chap. 1 Electrostatic energy calculations #3 01/22/2025
Mon: 01/20/2025 No Class Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday
4 Wed: 01/22/2025 Chap. 1 Electrostatic potentials and fields #4 01/24/2025
5 Fri: 01/24/2025 Chap. 1 - 3 Poisson's equation in multiple dimensions
6 Mon: 01/27/2025 Chap. 1 - 3 Brief introduction to numerical methods #5 01/29/2025
7 Wed: 01/29/2025 Chap. 2 & 3 Image charge constructions #6 01/31/2025
8 Fri: 01/31/2025 Chap. 2 & 3 Poisson equation in cylindrical geometries #7 02/03/2025
9 Mon: 02/03/2025 Chap. 3 & 4 Spherical geometry and multipole moments #8 02/05/2025
10 Wed: 02/05/2025 Chap. 4 Dipoles and Dielectrics #9 02/07/2025
11 Fri: 02/07/2025 Chap. 4 Dipoles and Dielectrics #10 02/10/2025
12 Mon: 02/10/2025 Chap. 5 Magnetostatics #11 02/12/2025
13 Wed: 02/12/2025 Chap. 5 Magnetic dipoles and hyperfine interactions #12 02/14/2025
14 Fri: 02/14/2025 Chap. 5 Magnetic materials and boundary value problems #13 02/17/2025
15 Mon: 02/17/2025 Chap. 6 Maxwell's Equations #14 02/19/2025
16 Wed: 02/19/2025 Chap. 6 Electromagnetic energy and forces #15 02/21/2025
17 Fri: 02/21/2025 Chap. 7 Electromagnetic plane waves #16 02/24/2025
18 Mon: 02/24/2025 Chap. 7 Electromagnetic response functions #17 02/26/2025
19 Wed: 02/26/2025 Chap. 7 Optical effects of refractive indices #18 02/28/2025
20 Fri: 02/28/2025 Chap. 8 Waveguides
21 Mon: 03/03/2025 Chap. 8 Waveguides #19 03/05/2025
22 Wed: 03/05/2025 Chap. 9 Radiation from localized sources Topics choice 03/07/2025
23 Fri: 03/07/2025 Review
Mon: 03/10/2025 No class Spring Break
Wed: 03/12/2025 No class Spring Break
Fri: 03/14/2025 No class Spring Break
Mon: 03/17/2025 No class Take-home exam
Wed: 03/19/2025 No class Take-home exam
Fri: 03/21/2025 No class Take-home exam
24 Mon: 03/24/2025 Chap. 9 Radiation from localized sources

PHY 712 -- Assignment #2

Assigned: 1/15/2025   Due: 1/17/2025

Continue reading Chapter 1 in Jackson.

  1. Jackson Problem #1.5. Be careful to take into account the behavior of Φ(r) for r-->0.

PHY 712 -- Assignment #5

Assigned: 1/27/2025   Due: 1/29/2025

Continue reading Chaps. 1-3 in Jackson.

  1. Consider a square of length a which has a uniform charge density ρ0. In Lecture 5 we found an "exact" expression for the electrostatic potential of this system Φ(x,y) for the case that the potential vanishes on the 4 boundary lines Φ(x,0)=Φ(x,a)=Φ(0,y)=Φ(a,y).
    1. For the 5x5 grid discussed in Lecture 6 with h=a/4, evaluate the unique values of Φ(x,y) on the grid points by summing the series in the exact expressions.
    2. Using the finite difference method, find the approximate unique values of Φ(x,y) on the grid points and compare with the exact values.
    3. Using the finite element method, find the approximate unique values of Φ(x,y) on the grid points and compare with the exact values.

PHY 712 -- Assignment #6

Assigned: 1/27/2025   Due: 1/31/2025

Continue reading Chap. 2 in Jackson.

  1. Eq. 2.5 on page 59 of Jackson was derived as the surface change density on a sphere of radius a due to a charge q placed at a radius y > a outside the sphere. Determine the total surface charge on the sphere's outer surface.
  2. Now consider the same system except assume y < a representing the charge q being placed inside the sphere. What is the surface charge density and the total charge on the inner sphere surface in this case?

PHY 712 -- Assignment #8

Assigned: 2/3/2025   Due: 2/5/2025

Complete reading Chapter 3 and start Chapter 4 in Jackson .

  1. Consider the charge density of an electron bound to a proton in the ground state of a hydrogen atom -- ρ(r) = (1/πa03) e-2r/a0, where a0 denotes the Bohr radius. Find the electrostatic potential Φ(r) associated with ρ(r). Compare your result to the electrostatic potential given in HW#2.

PHY 712 -- Assignment #9

Assigned: 2/5/2025   Due: 2/7/2025

Continue reading Chapter 4 in Jackson .

  1. Consider the localized charge given by

    ρ(r,θ)=ρ0 r exp(-ar) cos(θ)

    where ρ0 and a are positive constants. Find the electrostatic potential produced by this charge distribution. Examine your result in the limit r → 0 and also in the limit r → ∞ in terms of multipole moments and other interesting features.

PHY 712 -- Assignment #10

Assigned: 2/7/2025   Due: 2/10/2025

Finish reading Chapter 4 in Jackson .

  1. Work problem 4.9(a) in Jackson. Hint: It may be convenient to use a coordinate system with the origin at the center of the dielectric sphere. Also, you may benefit from considering the case where ε/ε0=1 to check that your expression makes sense.

PHY 712 -- Assignment #11

Assigned: 2/10/2025   Due: 2/12/2025

Start reading Chapter 5 (Sec. 5.1-5.5) in Jackson .

  1. Consider an infinitely long cylindrical wire with radius a, oriented along the z axis. There is a steady uniform current inside the wire. Specifically, in terms of r the radial parameter of the cylindrical coordinates of the system the current density is J(r)=J0 , where J0 is a constant vector pointing along the z-axis, for ra and zero otherwise.
    1. Find the vector potential (A) for all r.
    2. Find the magnetic flux field (B) for all r.

PHY 712 -- Assignment #13

Assigned: 2/14/2025   Due: 2/17/2025

Complete reading Chapter 5 in Jackson .

  1. In the lecture notes, we derived the H and B fields due to a uniform sphere of radius a which has a uniform magnetization density M0 oriented along the z-axis. For these fields, show that:
    1. At the surface of the sphere (r=a), the normal component of the B field is continuous.
    2. At the surface of the sphere (r=a), the tangential component of the H field is continuous.

PHY 712 -- Assignment #16

Assigned: 2/21/2025   Due: 2/24/2025

Start reading Chapter 7 (Sec. 7.1-7.3) in Jackson .

  1. Consider the reflectivity of a plane polarized electromagnetic wave incident from air (n=1) on a material with refractive index n'=1.5 at an angle of incidence i. Assume μ=μ'. Plot the reflectance


    as a function of i for 0 ≤ i ≤ 90 deg for both cases of polarization of (E0 in the plane of incidence or perpendicular to the plane of incidence). What is the qualitative difference between the two cases?

PHY 712 -- Assignment #17

Assigned: 2/24/2025   Due: 2/26/2025

Continue reading Chapter 7, particularly Sec. 7.10 in Jackson .

  1. Work problem 7.22 (a) in Jackson. In addition to the analytic results, plot the real and imaginary parts of the permittivity as a function of ω for your favorite values of the constants.

PHY 712 -- Assignment #18

Assigned: 2/26/2025   Due: 2/28/2025

Continue reading Chapter 7, particularly Sec. 7.4 in Jackson .

  1. This problem concerns the phenomenon of total internal reflection. Imagine that plane polarized monochromatic light is relected and refracted at an interface between two media which have real refractive indices n=2 and n'=1.1. Draw a diagram of the incident, reflected, and refracted beams. What is the range of incident angles i for which total internal reflection occurs?

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Last modfied: Thursday, 09-Jan-2025 15:17:17 EST