MWF 10-10:50 AM | Olin 103 | Webpage: |
Instructor: Natalie Holzwarth | Office:300 OPL | |
Lecture date
JDJ Reading
Due date
1 | Mon: 01/13/2025 | Chap. 1 & Appen. | Introduction, units and Poisson equation | #1 | 01/15/2025 |
2 | Wed: 01/15/2025 | Chap. 1 | Electrostatic energy calculations | #2 | 01/17/2025 |
3 | Fri: 01/17/2025 | Chap. 1 | Electrostatic energy calculations | #3 | 01/22/2025 |
Mon: 01/20/2025 | No Class | Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday | |||
4 | Wed: 01/22/2025 | Chap. 1 | Electrostatic potentials and fields | #4 | 01/24/2025 |
5 | Fri: 01/24/2025 | Chap. 1 - 3 | Poisson's equation in multiple dimensions | #5 | 01/29/2025 |
Continue reading Chapter 1 in Jackson.
PHY 712 -- Assignment #2