Calculus Homework:

Excerpt From The Syllabus:

For each section that we study I suggest that you do the following:

During each of our meetings I will suggest problems that are complementary to the examples in the text. I expect you to solve these suggested problems in addition to doing the work mentioned above.

Chapter 5:

5.1: 2,3,9,12,14,18,24
5.4: 2,7,10,1
5.5: 1-54(practice),

Chapter 6:
6.1: 2,3,5,10,15,20,25,30,33,37,39,41
6.2: 4,8,12,16,20,31,35,41,43,51,54,61,66
6.3: 2,8,19,23,28,31,43,44,
6.5: 5,10,15,19,20,21

Chapter 7:
7.1:skim 3-16, 27,28,34,36,40,43,48
7.2*: 4,26,35,42,60,68,85
7.3*: 4,10,26,32,50,58,59,70
7.4*: 12,17,23,28,30,40,43,49,50,55
7.5: 8,10,17,26,31,43,44,47,50,61,64,73
7.7: 1-66(practice), 87,92,94,96

Chapter 8:
8.1: 1-32(practice), 37,42,40,51,55,57,59,60
8.2: 1-46(practice), 51,53,58,63
8.3: 1-30(practice), 34,41
8.4: 1,5,13,16,27,30,35,63,64
8.5: 1-76(practice) In particular, before you do any heavy duty computing, try to skim through the list and classify the problems according to which method you think might work. Then go back and test your classification by computing one or two integrals in each category.
8.6: Work through the Discovery Project on page 545.
8.7: 2,4,6,19,25,26,31,34

Chapter 9:
9.1: 2,6,14,25,40
9.2: 2,5,13,21,27,31

Chapter 10:

Chapter 11:

Chapter 3 Review:

3.3: Differentiation Formulas
p.156-158: 6,7,13,14,19,21,23,27,31,35,37,49,56,59,73
p. 214-5:Review problems: 1,5,7

3.5: Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions
p.175-7: 3,5,7,9,11,21,23,25,29,31

3.6: The Chain Rule
p. 183-5: 3,17,24,28,29,33,35,36,39,41,45,53,55,57,64

Chapter 4 Review:

4.10: Antiderivatives
p.304-6; 1,2,5,7,11,13,15,17,19,25,29,33,41,53,55,63,66,71