Soleil and Teva – Bryson City, NC, July 2000


Soleil and Teva – Bryson City, NC, July 2000






                                                                        Soleil and Dany at gymnastics


West Coast Vacation July 24 – August 7, 2000


Dany with Megan and Soleil – Bho and John’s home in Milwaukie, OR


Uncle Dany and Alexa


Dany and Soleil – Santa Cruz Boardwalk



Daddies (Dany and Chris) and Baby Boys (Soleil and Elliott)

Chris and Youn’s home in Oakland, CA


Chris (463 mo) with Elliott (4 mo) and Soleil (23 mo)


Youn and Lisa (or is it Lisa and Youn?)

Strolling through UCB campus

Easy Riders – Megan, Alexa and Soleil riding John’s home built recumbent bike



Alexa, Soleil and John



Megan Sweet Girl



Soleil chilling in the wagon at the Portland Zoo


Alexa in the stroller enjoying a slushie


Bho with her 3 kids!


Alexa and Soleil in the stroller while Bho powerwalks to the next exhibit




Elliott sitting on a dinosaur at Oregon Museum of Science and Industry



Megan and Alexa relaxing on the inflatable mattress


Alexa, Soleil and Megan


Alexa – Tea, anyone?


The Kim-Shapiros


Grandma Myung and Elliott reading a book


Myung and Youn at Jim’s wedding, overlooking Columbia River Gorge at the Perry family farm, August 5, 2000


Youn, Chris, Elliott and Grandma Myung


Grandma Myung and Elliott


Chris and Elliott