Conference on Corporate Applications of Prediction/Information Markets

Thursday, 1 November 2007


Kauffman Foundation Conference Center

Kansas City Brookside Room.

4801 Rockhill Road. Kansas City MO 64110

Links: Directions, Conference Center



University of Kansas School of Business

Center for Applied Economics

Kauffman Foundation


Conference webpage:


Registration page:



Koleman Strumpf


Conference Overview

Prediction markets are a tool for harnessing the wisdom of crowds. They have been used to accurately forecast election results for several decades now, and former Harvard president Larry Summers has taken to citing betting odds when asked about the 2008 election. Recently, firms have begun to use these markets to leverage the information dispersed among their employees and customers. The markets have been used to improve forecasts of uncertain events, to generate new ideas, and to improve resource allocation within the firm. Prediction markets have great promise for helping firms manage risk, because they can provide more precise estimates of events which are both internal and external to the firm.

This conference will bring together leading practitioners who will discuss their experience organizing and running prediction markets. The confirmed speakers include representatives from Google, Microsoft, GE, Best Buy, Rite-Solutions, Intrade, Consensus Point as well as several of the leading academics who study prediction markets. This is a great opportunity for managers to learn about a powerful business tool which can improve firm decision-making.


Conference Schedule and Registration

The conference webpage at the top of this flier lists the schedule of events. Any additional details about the conference will be posted on that webpage.

Note that registration is free, but you must register in advance. An online registration page is listed at the top of the flier.


Who Should Attend

-       Executives/Managers/Entrepreneurs/Consultants/Analysts interested in learning about prediction markets and their uses within the firm

-       Academics interested in new strategies and mechanisms being applied within firms

-       Bloggers and press interested in the field of prediction markets


Contacts for Additional Information

Monica Lemmons,, 785-864-7369

Koleman Strumpf,, 785-864-7485