Table of Contents

  1. Table of contents - You are reading it now
  2. Introduction - Agencies that involves in the technolgoy
  3. What's new in 98'
  4. Press coverage
  5. IS building
  6. 98' laptop
  7. 97' laptop
  8. laptop past and future
  9. Future
  10. Network
  11. System
  12. UNIX systems
  13. NT systems
  14. Web statistics
  15. Software
  16. Assistance - CELI, ACS, ATG, ISSC, ISSC, RTA, STARS, ZSR lib, ITC, ICCEL - when to call who and what service each provides
  17. Dept. facilities - Yeap, someone has some of those somewhere on campus
  18. Physics
  19. Last - Very important - Please Backup. Also tips and tricks, rules - Usage Policy, License Agreement
  20. End