Little green idea - poop stick
What do you do with all those chinese/japanese to-go chopsticks?
How do you avoid stepping on doggies' poops in the yard?
Tie some fluorescent flagging tapes to them and mark down the spots.
- use more than one color tape per stick so it is easier to find - pink and orange usually work great. (i wonder whether the glowing yellow ones would be even cooler {at night}, they are kind of expensive though)
- in the fall, if you got maple and other reddish leaves, may want to add a green tape
- use a longer tape, if you are environmental conscious and use like 1 inche of tape only, hard to find during pick up time.
- the sticks' wood get mildew, mold and have black spots after a while especially left out in the rain, have to replace them if you think too yunky to bring back in the house after scoop up. time to get more to-go.
- the plastic tape will fade over time.
- sometimes if grass grow too tall and you may miss them and run over them with mower, tractor. the stick just disappear, but the bits and pieces of plastic would still be there in the field.