[OPE-L:3096] SIEBER is at British Library under Ziber, N. for those interested!

From: Paul Zarembka (zarembka@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU)
Date: Wed May 10 2000 - 11:11:28 EDT

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Recall the favorable references by Marx to the non-Hegelian, Russian
political economist N. Sieber. I found both the original 1871 editon of
his work and later editions at the British Library (not British Museum)
in London under N. Ziber. Everything is in Russian.

Marx refers to Sieber [Ziber] for an understand of his *Capital* (and in
one of his letters seems to refer to Sieber as a "personal friend of
mine", at least that's how the C.W. edition for his letter to Sorge, 5
Nov. 1880 reads).

I continue to consider this an important lead in supporting an argument
for tendency by Marx to move AWAY from Hegel.

Paul Z.


OPAC 97 -- Search result, part 1

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6 items found on the pre 1976 Reference Collections file.

[1]  Title Sochineniia ... Perevod" N. Zibera. S" prilozheniiami perevodchika.. pp. iii. xx. iii. 659. S.-Peterburg", 1882. 8o....
[2]  Title Teoriia tsennosti i kapitala D. Rikardo v" sviazi s" pozdneishimi dopolneniiami i raz"iasneniiami. Opyt" kritiko-ekonomicheskago izsledovaniia. (Iz" Universitetskikh" Izvestii za 1871 g.). Kiev", 1871. 4o....
[3]  Title David" Rikardo i Karl" Marks" v" ikh" obshchestvenno-ekonomicheskikh" izsledovaniiakh", etc.. pp. 546. II. S.-Peterburg", 1897. 8o....
[4]  Title Izbrannye ekonomicheskie proizvedeniia v dvukh tomakh. [With a portrait and an introduction by N. A. Tsagolov.]. 2 tom. Moskva, 1959. 8o....
[5]  Title Ocherki pervobytnoi ekonomicheskoi Kultury .... pp. 505. ii. iv. Moskva, 1883. 8o....
[6]  Title Sobranie sochinenii.. 2 tom. S.-Peterburg", 1900. 8o....

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