[OPE-L:4311] Re: Price-Value Equivalence! [was "Logic and illogic in defending Marx"]

From: Andrew_Kliman (Andrew_Kliman@email.msn.com)
Date: Thu Oct 26 2000 - 21:32:37 EDT


It is undeniable that Marx assumed prices = values from Ch. 6 throughout
most (but not all) of Vol. I.  What was at issue was whether he assumed
compositions of capital were equal, which is a different claim, and one
for which I've never seen evidence.  Also, that he assumed prices =
values does not imply that his results all depend on that assumption, or
that his definitions are applicable only when that assumption holds.


----- Original Message -----
From: Paul Zarembka <zarembka@acsu.buffalo.edu>
To: <ope-l@galaxy.csuchico.edu>
Sent: Thursday, October 26, 2000 8:41 PM
Subject: [OPE-L:4310] Price-Value Equivalence! [was "Logic and illogic in
defending Marx"]

: Rakesh, Several months ago, replying to Andrew, I posted [3738] a
: of quotations from Volume 1 showing that Marx knew exactly what he was
: assuming for his Volume 1 discussion, i.e, all industries operate at
: average (the standard deviation of compositions of capital is zero)!
:     "The calculations given in the text are intended merely as
: illustrations. We have in fact. assumed that prices = values. We shall,
: however, see, in Book Ill., that even in the case of average prices the
: assumption cannot be made in this very simple manner." (Chapter 9, fn.
: end of Section 1)
:     "our assumption, that all commodities, including labour-power, are
: bought and sold at their full value" (Chapter 12, third paragraph)
:     "I assume (1) that commodities are sold at their value; (2) that
: price of labour-power rises occasionally above its value, but never
: below it." (Chapter 17, second paragraph)
:     "On the one hand, then, we assume that the capitalist sells at
: value the commodities he has produced, without concerning ourselves
: about the new forms that capital assumes while in the sphere of
: circulation, or about the concrete conditions of reproduction hidden
: these forms." (Part VII, The Accumulation of Capital, fourth paragraph)
: Paul Z.
: ***********************************************************************
: Paul Zarembka, editor, RESEARCH IN POLITICAL ECONOMY at
: ******************** http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/PZarembka
: Rakesh Narpat Bhandari <rakeshb@Stanford.EDU> said, on 10/25/00:
: >So if in vol 1, Marx equates the surplus value produced by a firm
: >the profit it appropriates, he obviously has in mind "an average
: >industry" which Meek claims is similar to Sraffa's basic industry. It
: >obvious that Marx knew perfectly well in vol 1 that commodities do
: >exchange at value.

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