In [OPE-L:4677], Julian asked: “Doesn't demanding equalisation of RRIs amount to demanding an inter-temporal aspect to the hypothetical long-run equilibrium (in the sense that in the short run one could have different RRIs on different vintages of capital even if average profit rates were equalised)?” My Response: Let me back up a bit before taking a crack at your question. First, it’s unclear to me why anyone *today* would think that the rates of profit are equal or tend toward equality given the presence of fixed capital. At the very least, one would have to make some rather heroic assumptions about the stratification of fixed capital in order to give the rate of profit some shred of relevance. I’m reluctant to do so since such assumptions may also smuggle equilibrium conditions into the overall project. Second, perhaps I'm misreading your question but it seems to suggest that Marx's transformation procedure has something to do with equilibrium. If so, I disagree. To me he simply shows how surplus value is distributed amoung capitalists. That is, surplus value is allocated to each capital in proportion to the amount of invested capital. Marx shows us what those allocations would be should the rates of profit be equal in each of the 5 sectors depicted. Our task today is to show what those allocations would be when the RRI's are equal in all sectors under consideration. To be sure, this does make the transfromation problem an inter-temporal problem. But the very existence of fixed capital gives the problem this dimension. John
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