[OPE-L:4836] Re: is there a real tendency for the equalization of profit rates?

From: Paul Cockshott (paul@cockshott.com)
Date: Mon Feb 05 2001 - 07:11:21 EST

On Sun, 04 Feb 2001, you wrote:
> In [OPE-L:4830} Fred wrote:
> Whether or not Marx believed > that there was a real  tendency
> in the real world toward > the equalization of profit rates is a  separate
> issue from > whether or not Marx's concept of price of production
> > assumed at a high level of abstraction that there is such > a tendency,
> such  that prices of production are "long-
> > run center of gravity" prices.
> I agree completely.  What is your position, though, on the two related (but
> *separate*) questions:
> a) did Marx believe that there was a real tendency for the equalization of
> profit rates?
> b) is there a real tendency for the equalization of  profit rates?

Note that what is crucial for the price of production hypothesis is
not equalization of sectoral rates of profit, but that these sectoral
rates of profit should be statistically independent of the sectoral
organic compositions of capital.

Paul Cockshott, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland
0141 330 3125  mobile:07946 476966

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