In reply to OPE-L 5070, I thank Paul Zarembka for his thoughtful post. He asks how my claim of proof in Vol. II squares with a quote from Vol. III and one from Lenin. I do not see that the quote from Lenin, which expresses his own view of the relationship between productive and personal consumption, is relevant to what is or isn't proved in the reproduction schema. And I have to say the same about the quote from Vol. III that addresses the same matter. It goes to the question of Marx's intentions in developing the reproduction schema. But I don't see it as relevant to what is or isn't proved in the reproduction schema themselves. I have made a claim about what the schemes themselves prove rather than what Marx intended to prove or even what "Marx proved." I don't mean to dismiss the passages. They are interesting, but I think their meaning is a different topic, and one for which I'm not prepared enough at the moment. Paul: "And so we come to the importance of Luxemburg's *Accumulation of Capital*. She is addressing precisely the issue that Marx's scheme do not close the issues; in fact, with its presumption that c/v in both Dept. I and II stay the same under expanded reproduction, Marx, without being fully aware of it, points to the gap in his own analysis. If I were using your language I would say Marx's illustrative scheme (either I or II) "proves" his own weakness." I don't think what I wrote indicates that there's any sort of gap in the analysis. It simply indicates that the reproduction schema in their basic form are not closed models. Nothwithstanding the lack of closure, the schemes IMO prove that, whatever may be the limits to the growth of Ic caused by lack of demand for Ic, lack of demand for consumer goods is not among these limits. "But we really come to my point. There is no "proof" here. There is INTERPRETATION, which I expect to be demonstrated as Andrew contests what is said above." Paul doesn't substantiate his contention that there's no proof. I understand him to be saying that he isn't trying to do so directly, but rather wants to substantiate it through an examination of my responses to him. Fair enough. Andrew ("Drewk") Kliman Dept. of Social Sciences Pace University Pleasantville, NY 10570 USA phone: (914) 773-3968 fax: (914) 773-3951 Home: 60 W. 76th St. #4E New York, NY 10023 USA "The practice of philosophy is itself theoretical. It is the critique that measures the individual existence by the essence, the particular reality by the Idea."
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