[OPE-L:5627] European research project on inequalities: rtf files

From: riccardo bellofiore (bellofio@cisi.unito.it)
Date: Sun May 20 2001 - 03:05:30 EDT

Dear comrades,

	I apologize for sending again the two files, one in English and one
in French, on the European reserach project on inequalities. From some
messages, I realize that it is very likely that I sent the files in the
wrong format. Now I'm trying with the RTF.



Riccardo Bellofiore Office: Department of Economics Piazza Rosate, 2 I-24129 Bergamo, Italy Home: Via Massena, 51 I-10128 Torino, Italy e-mail bellofio@cisi.unito.it, bellofio@unibg.it tel: +39 035 277545 (direct) +39 035 277501 (dept. secr.) +39 011 5819619 (home) fax: +39 035 249975 http://www.unibg.it/dse/homebellofiore.htm

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