[OPE-L:6240] Re: Realism regularities and prediction

From: gerald_a_levy (gerald_a_levy@msn.com)
Date: Fri Nov 30 2001 - 20:05:31 EST

[*Is Allin's article on-line? If so, what is the URL?*]

Paul C, in summarizing Allin's representation of Bhaskar's
definition of a 'closed system' in [6239], wrote:

> Allin says that Bhaskar defines a closed system, one capable of
> generating a constant conjuction of events as requiring 3 conditions:
<snip, JL>
> 2. The individuals of the system must be atomic (lacking in internal
> structure) or their internal conditions must be unchanging over the
> period in question. <snip, JL>

Doesn't  this mean that Bhaskar defines a 'closed system' in such a way
that it can not be non-linear and dynamic? ... doesn't the proposition
that 'internal conditions must be unchanging' require an essentially
static system? ... doesn't this then confuse/conflate the distinctions
between closed/open with  static/dynamic?

In solidarity, Jerry

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