[OPE-L:6641] Re: Campbell and Reuten ed. _The Culmination of Capital_

From: Tony Smith (tonys@iastate.edu)
Date: Fri Mar 01 2002 - 11:47:02 EST


Our hope is to develop a collection on Volume I to go along with the ones 
on II and III.  Then maybe we can turn to the "continuation of capital."


At 07:33 AM 3/1/02 -0500, you wrote:
>At the following site you can read a description, look at the table of
>contents, and download a sample chapter of _The Culmination of
>Capital_ edited by Martha and Geert.  At the following site, type in
>either  'the culmination of capital'  under 'title' or 'reuten' under
>'author surname'  and then click on the title of the book (unfortunately
>palgrave didn't make it easier than this, it appears, to access the
>Contributors include Chris, Fred, Geert, Martha, Riccardo, Tony (all
>listmembers), Paul Mattick Jr. (former listmember) and Patrick
>Note that this volume has a similar title to the title that
>preceded it: _The Circulation of Capital_.
>Is it true that the next  volume in this series to be published by
>Palgrave is to be entitled  _The Continuation of Capital_  and that it
>will discuss the analytical contents and controversies surrounding
>the '6-book-plan'?
>In solidarity, Jerry

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