[OPE-L:6873] Re: Re: value-form

From: Christopher Arthur (cjarthur@waitrose.com)
Date: Wed Apr 03 2002 - 10:47:38 EST

Re [6868]:
,Hi Andy.
>> This notion of 'identity' puzzles me. If value *is* money, then what
>> is the value-*form*?
>I'll let one of  our VFT comrades answer your question concerning
>their perspectives.

It maybe that someone has said value is money. But speaking for myself I
would stress hat value is only actual in the entire system of capitalist
commodity production and exchange. Aspects of its 'concept' are as it were
'distributed' over varioius points each of which are systematically
required to complement the others. Just to stick with form, I beleive value
has commodity form, money form and capital form. Money has some sort of
'visibility' as 'value for itself' (Marx Gr.) but all these forms are
required (just as in Hegel Being/Essence/Concept are jointly required to
make up the thought totality) for example the commodity must be a product
of capital. Certainly value cannot be identified with any element taken in
isolation (e.g. money or labour); nor can it be given a two-word
definition, its concept must be *developed* systematically. (Althugh Engels
made some major blunders, he did stress this in a couple of places.)

Chris A

>For myself, I would express the relation as follows:
>Within a system of generalized commodity production and exchange,
>commodities are defined by the duality of use-value and value where
>the value-form is a necessary form of appearance of value and money
>is a necessary form of appearance of the value-form. Thus, value, the
>value-form, and money are all necessarily linked to each other and to
>the commodity.  I guess that means I have a "single-system" (as
>distinct from a "dual system") interpretation.
>So that we don't all repeat ourselves endlessly, is there anybody that
>wants to say something about this topic that they have _not_ said before
>on this list?
>In solidarity, Jerry

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