[OPE-L:7094] Re: Re: women and Marxian political economy

From: nicola taylor (n.taylor@student.murdoch.edu.au)
Date: Tue Apr 30 2002 - 09:34:07 EDT

>Hi Nicky.  Could you please give the full citation for the Herring et al

Hi Jerry [7092],
A few years ago I wrote a conference paper on gender and internet
communication with Dr. Michael Booth.  Listed in the refs are many studies
from feminists and the socio-historical (Marxian inspired) school within
psychology.  These refs are probably out of date now, but if you (or anyone
else) would like the paper let me know and I'll send it to you.  Meantime,
assuming the websites still work, the Herring refs are:

Herring, Susan, Johnson, Deborah A., & DiBenedetto, Tamra (1995), 'This
discussion is going too far!: Male resistance to female participation on
the internet', in Kira Hall and Mary Bucholtz (eds), "Gender Articulated:
Language and the Socially Constructed Self" (pp.67-96), Routledge, New York

Herring, Susan (1993), 'Gender and democracy in computer-mediated
communication', http://dc.smu.edu/dc/classroom/Gender.txt

Herring, Susan (1994), 'Gender differences in computer-mediated
communication: bringing familiar baggage to the new frontier'

Try also: Lawley, Elizabeth L., 1993, 'Computers and the communication of
gender', http://www.itcs.com/elawley/gender.html

>The relative 'silence' on this thread is quite interesting.  Perhaps a
>comparison  of  what happened to this (and related) threads vs. threads
>on other subjects and by other subscribers will itself become a 'case study'
>in a future article by  Herring or someone else.

Given that this gender and technology problem is a current obsession among
educational psychologists, I wouldn't be at all surprised to find that we
are the subject of intense behind the scenes scrutiny :)  Of course, the
problem with 'silence' is always how to *interpret* it.  Does silence
reflect disinterest (no-one is listening), a pragmatic time allocation
towards other topics and/or pressing life demands (people would listen if
they had time), a socialisation effect (both men and women respond less to
women's concerns [the topic title], and less to women's posts [my name
gives me away]), or is silence itself a form of respectful 'listening'
(i.e. reading and considering without jumping in)?  Anyone's guess, really.
comradely Nicky
ps. another problem of interpretation - I've just double posted to this
thread (apparently exhibiting typical male behaviour!).
Nicola Taylor
Faculty of Economics
Murdoch University
South Street
W.A. 6150

Tel. 61 8 9385 1130 
email: n.taylor@stu.murdoch.edu.au

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