Alfredo Medio's homepage: Interestingly, there are no references at the above to his writings on Marx and Marxian political economy. Like Cogoy and Lipietz he has moved on to different subjects. In Medio's case, the move took place decades ago (in the 70's?). I'm not sure how he would describe his current theoretical perspective -- perhaps evolutionary economics? Information on his book _Nonlinear dynamics: a primer_ co-authored with Marji Lines can be found at: Some other prominent writers on nonlinear dynamics and cycles such as Willi Semmler and Klaus Peter Flaschel used to consider themselves to be Marxists (if they still consider themselves to be Marxians then I offer my profuse apologies.) The current research interests for my former mentor and all-around good guy Willi can be seen at: Peter Flaschel's home page is at: Is there anything about the subject matter itself (including cycles, financial instability, nonlinear dynamics, disequilibrium macro dynamics) which has encouraged specialists in that area, as they research the area more closely, to move away from a Marxian perspective? In solidarity, Jerry
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