[OPE-L:8010] Re: Re: Robert Brenner

From: Paul Bullock (paulbullock@ebms-ltd.co.uk)
Date: Fri Nov 15 2002 - 16:27:31 EST

Brenner has been gadding about, he was at SOAS in London 2 November and
various places in UK after.

Here he has faced severe and extensive criticism eg in two issue of
Dialectical Materialism no's 4 and 5. At SOAS it was all very friendly, but
he had few allies.  He is not regarded as a 'Marxist' by most ( excluding
the eccentrically enthusiastic introduction to his NLR article in 1998 by
Perry Anderson) although his strong 'liberal' ideas are well recognised.

He seems to do his best to avoid the issue of the day - Imperialism. So too,
did most of the panel at SOAS except Weeks in a general sense. From the
floor only Hillel Tickton and David Yaffe took up Imperialism and what Marx
was really concerned with... revolution.

----- Original Message -----
From: "gerald_a_levy" <gerald_a_levy@msn.com>
To: <ope-l@galaxy.csuchico.edu>
Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 11:18 AM
Subject: [OPE-L:8003] Re: Robert Brenner

> Re Rakesh's [7999]:
> > I attended Robert Brenner's lecture at a Berkeley bookstore last
> > night. Fact filled and well organized and extremely thoroughly
> > argued, Brenner's lecture held the non academic audience in rapt
> > attention  for close to two hours.
> I took a seminar with him at the New School in 1981 (?) and
> found him to be a good and well organized instructor who
> encouraged students to think for themselves.
> [btw, here's his CV:
> http://www.sscnet.ucla.edu/issr/cstch/brennercv.html ]
> I was therefore surprised to read the student evaluations at:
> http://www.bruinwalk.com/professors/profile.asp?ID=783
> Other professors take note!:  soon we all might have
> anonymous student evaluations posted on the WWW!!
> The talk you attended sounded like it was on the same theme
> as his July-August 2002 article on  "The economy after the boom:
> a diagnosis": http://www.3bh.org.uk/IV/main/IV342/IV342%2009.htm
> The above is itself a condensation of the argument he made
> in his 2002 _The Boom and the Bubble: The US in the World
> Economy_ (Verso).
> Which itself is related to prior articles that he wrote on 'global
> turbulence' and uneven development.
> A  fairly lengthy summary of his article "The economics of global
> turbulence" is at http://eha.darktech.org/eHa/41
> A short but highly critical reply to the above is  by Loren Goldner
> (self-description: "I may be the last 'debt-deflation' Marxist crisis
> theorist"): http://home.earthlink.net/~lrgoldner/brenner.html
> A  short review article by Eva Cheng  entitled  "An unfolding debate
> about the capitalist crisis" on the debate that Brenner inspired is at:
> http://www.greenleft.org.au/back/2000/410/410p14.htm
> Here's another -- highly critical -- review by Rob Hoveman:
> http://www.isj1text.ble.org.uk/pubs/isj82/hoveman.htm
> A 1999 reply from  by Mary Malloy and Charlie Post to Brenner's
> _NLR_ 1998 article on uneven development is at:
> http://solidarity.igc.org/atc/79MalloyPost.html
> (If my memory is correct, Mary also attended the same seminar
> at the New School by Bob that I referred to above).
> Enough for now.
> In solidarity, Jerry

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