Conference in Naples on Marx

From: Riccardo Bellofiore (riccardo.bellofiore@UNIBG.IT)
Date: Fri Mar 05 2004 - 07:45:04 EST

On the tracks of a spectre.
The works of Karl Marx between philology and philosophy

For some years there has been a reawakening of interest for the work
of Marx. A widespread renewal of studies in Europe, in the Anglophone
world and in many other parts of the world, places his thought,
apparently out of fashion but of continuing relevance, once more on
the agenda.

As astonishing as it may appear, Marx remains today an author who is
poorly known, deprived as he is of an integral scientific edition of
his works. Such an absence is even more astonishing if one considers
that a significant part of his manuscripts and of the immense mass of
extracts and annotations from books which he was accustomed to make
during his studies, as well a significant number of letters written
by both Marx and Engels, remain unpublished. Furthermore, Marx¹s
work, notwithstanding all of the attempts of completion and
systemization which have occurred in the past, is characterised by
its fragmentary nature and its significant incompletion. Such
aspects, far from diminishing the importance of Marx, place at the
disposition of scholars a great open workshop of critical theory.

The work on edition of the complete works of Marx and Engels, the
Marx Engels Gesamtausgabe (MEGA), which was begun in Moscow and East
Berlin during the 1960s and first published in 1975, was interrupted
following the events of 1989. In 1990, due to the initiative of the
International Institute for Social History (IISG) of Amsterdam, the
Internationale Marx Engels Stiftung (IMES) was founded. Its purpose
is to complete the historical-critical edition of the complete works
(56 volumes of the planned 122 have already been published). Other
members of the IMES, in addition to the IISG, are the
Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften (BBAW), the Karl
Marx Haus (KMH) of Trier, the Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi arkhiv
sotsial¹no-politicheskoi istorii (RGASPI) of Moscow. Scholars from
Germany, Russia, France, Holland, the USA, Japan, Denmark and Italy
are currently participating in the work of the IMES. Marx¹s works are
returned, in there enormous richness and with the undeniable critical
character which distinguishes them, to the study and the debate of

It thus seems to be the appropriate moment to engage in a serious and
rigorous manner with the challenge of Marx¹s thought. Taking its
inspiration from the contemporary state of work on the MEGA, an
international conference will take place in Naples from the 1st to
the 3rd of April 2004 with the theme: The work of Karl Marx between
philology and philosophy. The conference, presenting for the first
time in Italy the new historical-critical edition, will present an
account of the state of philological research of the MEGA project. It
will also provide a forum for the discussion of new studies in the
field of philosophy, with particular reference to the early works
(which have been the subject of the major number of publications in
recent years), and to the critique of political economy, which
remains fundamental for the comprehension of contemporary reality.
Two further sessions will concern the Œactuality¹ of Marx¹s thought
in philosophy, economy and politics, and a meeting of some of the
most prestigious international journals which concern themselves with
these themes and the debates which they have aroused. All of the
sessions will involve a close examination of the most recent
interpretations of Marx¹s work in Italy and in the world, with the
goal of sharing studies and knowledge and attempting to forge
collaboration and contact between groups of researchers and
independent scholars. This would represent a significant contribution
to a new Marx-Forschung, necessary for all forms of critical thought
and indispensable for the comprehension of the present.

(Organized by: Università degli Studi di Napoli ³Federico II²,
Università degli Studi di Napoli ³L¹Orientale², Istituto
Universitario ³Suor Orsola Benincasa², Università degli Studi di
Bari, Istituto Italiano degli Studi Filosofici)

For information, please contact the conference secretary, Marcello

Napoli 1-3 Aprile 2004

Istituto Universitario ³Suor Orsola Benincasa²
Via Sour Orsola, 10 - Sala degli Angeli -

Giovedì 1 Aprile ore 9.00
I SESSIONE: MEGA_: la nuova edizione storico-critica delle opere
complete di Marx ed Engels

Presiede Roberto Finelli

Manfred Neuhaus (Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften)
Klassiker unter Klassikern. Zu den Editionsphilologischen Grundlagen
der neuen MEGA

Gerald Hubmann (Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften)
Unvollendete Werke. Zu editionsphilologischen Konstellationen bei
Marx und anderen Klassikern der Sozialwissenschaft


Izumi Omura (Tohoku University Sendai)
Die letzten Forschungsergebnisse der sendaier MEGA-Arbeitsgruppe  Japan

Malcolm Sylvers (Università di Venezia)
La corrispondenza di Marx ed Engels nella MEGA_

Gian Mario Bravo (Università di Torino)
Marx, il marxismo e la sinistra in Italia nella seconda metà dell¹ 800

Giovedì 1 Aprile ore 15.00
II SESSIONE: Critica della filosofia e critica della politica nel giovane Marx

Presiede Roberto Esposito

Giuseppe Cacciatore (Università ³Federico II² Napoli)
Il Marx democratico

Gianfranco Borrelli (Università ³Federico II² Napoli)
Gli elementi di critica della politica nei primi scritti di Karl Marx

Eustache Kouvelakis (King¹s College London)
Marx¹s critique of politics


Marcello Musto (Università ³L¹Orientale² Napoli)
Marx a Parigi: la critica del 1844

Mario Cingoli (Università ³Bicocca² Milano)
Marx e il materialismo

Peter Thomas (University of Queensland)
Die Fastnachtszeit der Philosophie: Il Marx della Doktoratdissertation

Venerdì 2 Aprile ore 9.00
III SESSIONE (I Parte): Il Capitale: la critica incompiuta

Presiede Marcello Musto

Roberto Finelli (Università di Bari)
La scienza del Capitale come circolo del ³presupposto-posto²

Enrique Dussel (Universidad Autònoma Metropolitana Città del Messico)
³Grund² and ³Quelle² in ³Das Kapital² of Marx


Jacques Bidet (Universitè de Paris X)
La  reconstruction métastructurelle du Capital

Fritz Wolfgang Haug ­ Freie Universität Berlin
Von den Grundrissen zur französischen Übersetzung von Kapital I ­
Marx¹ Lernprozess

Venerdì 2 Aprile ore 15.00
IV SESSIONE: Marx Forschung: annali a confronto

Presiede Peter Thomas




- Tavola Rotonda -

Presiede Domenico Jervolino

Jacques Bidet ­ ACTUEL MARX



Aldo Tortorella ­ CRITICA MARXISTA

Scipione Semeraro ­ ALTERNATIVE

Sandro Mezzadra ­ DERIVE E APPRODI

Sabato 3 Aprile ore 9.30
III SESSIONE (II parte): Il Capitale: la critica incompiuta

Presiede Giuseppe Cacciatore

Chris Arthur ­ University of Sussex Hegel¹s Logic and Marx¹s Capital

Geert Reuten ­ University of Amsterdam ­ A transubstantiation is
hauntingŠ: the ideal introversive substance and extroversive form of
value in Capital.

Riccardo Bellofiore ­ Università di Bergamo Marx dopo Hegel. Il
capitale come totalità e la centralità della produzione


V SESSIONE (I parte): Un oggi per Marx

Presiede Pasquale Voza

Wei Xiaoping (Accademia delle Scienze di Pechino)
Marx research situation in today¹s China

Domenico Losurdo (Università di Urbino)
Tre generi letterari nel discorso di Marx: che fare?

Sabato 3 Aprile ore 15.00
V SESSIONE (I parte): Un oggi per Marx

Presiede Giuseppe Prestipino

André Tosel (Université de Nice)
Il comunismo della finitudine

Domenico Jervolino (Università ³Federico II² Napoli)
Il comunismo della finitudine e la traduzione come paradigma etico politico


Alex Callinicos (York University)
Contours of Anglo-Saxon Marxism

Michael Krätke (University of Amsterdam)
Erneuerung der politischen Ökonomie: wo Marx unersetzlich bleibt

Daniel Bensaïd (Université Paris 8)
D¹une mondialisation à l¹autre. Marx critique de la modernité
(mesures et demesures du monde social)


Riccardo Bellofiore
Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche
"Hyman P. Minsky"
Università di Bergamo
Via dei Caniana 2
I-24127 Bergamo, Italy
direct    +39-035-2052545
secretary +39-035 2052501
fax:      +39 035 2052549

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