(OPE-L) Re: Seminar: Value redundancy and price value deviations

From: Gerald A. Levy (Gerald_A_Levy@MSN.COM)
Date: Tue Sep 21 2004 - 16:00:43 EDT

Hi Alejandro.

Parys predicts discrepancies between labor values and production 
prices using technical compositions of capital vertically integrated in 
production-price terms.  Pary's two main arguments are: 
     a) A mathematical demonstration that technical composition of 
capital vertically integrated in price always predicts correctly the 
sense of deviations between labor values and production prices.

I don't really understand this since  if the TCC is "vertically 
integrated in price" then it is no longer the TCC.

     b) A counterexample probing that the value composition of capital, the variable used by Marx ,fails in at least one case to predict sense of deviations between labor values and production prices.


I don't understand this either: what is the difference between the 
TCC "vertically integrated in price" (sic) and the VCC?  After 
all,  since c, v, and s are all expressed thru the value-form, they 
can be measured as money magnitudes.

In solidarity, Jerry

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