Re: [OPE-L] the working class and the informal sector

From: Gerald_A_Levy@MSN.COM
Date: Sat Dec 11 2004 - 11:47:00 EST

> Let's begin by seeing whether we can agree on what are
> some *false* criteria that have been used re the definition of the
> proletariat:

I forgot a few  basics that I hope we can also agree on:

* can we agree that one can be part of the working class even if
      one is not engaged in commodity production?

* can we agree that one can be part of the working class even
      if one is not employed by capitalists?

(one would have to agree to both of the above if one believes
that state employees can be part of the working class.)

*  can we agree that if one is temporarily in the reserve army
and hasn't become a member of another class then one
remains a member of the working class?  (e.g. the 'frictionally

* can we agree that members of working-class families, even
those too young or too old to work,  are ordinarily part of the
working class?

In solidarity, Jerry

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