Re: [OPE-L] The Death of Mary Malloy

From: Cyrus Bina (binac@MRS.UMN.EDU)
Date: Sat Dec 18 2004 - 15:08:26 EST

Dear All:

This news is heartbreaking and tough, particularly for those of us who knew
her.  She was forthright Marxian political economist and genuine activist,
with an superb historical understanding and sharp sense of methodology. The
last time I saw her, she was attending the URPE Summer Conference
(2003)--and my talks on the oil and US invasion of Iraq.  What a great
loss--what a great loss....

Thanks, Jerry.


Cyrus Bina, Ph.D.
Distinguished Research Professor of Economics and Management
206 Camden Hall
University of Minnesota, Morris
600 East 4th Street
Morris, MN 56267-2132
Office: (320) 589-6193/ 589-6200
Fax:    (320) 589-6117

At 09:25 PM 12/17/2004, you wrote:
>I learned today that Mary Malloy, a young Marxist economist
>who received her  PhD from the New School, died about three
>weeks ago.
>Mary -- whom I remember fondly from the time when we were
>both students at the New School -- was a feminist,  an  activist
>in URPE, an Executive Board member of and contributor to
>_Against the  Current_ ,  a former student of listmember Anwar
>Shaikh,  and an Associate Professor at the College of New Rochelle.
>She wrote, among other topics, on crisis theory and long waves.
>She asked that there not be a memorial meeting.
>In solidarity, Jerry

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