[OPE-L] Workers' Self-management in Venezuela and the former Yugoslavia / Invitation to International Gathering

From: Gerald_A_Levy@MSN.COM
Date: Tue Feb 22 2005 - 18:48:38 EST

Note that in the attached schedule there is a workshop on "The
Role of Workers in the Management of Companies" in which the
Yugoslavian experience is to be discussed.  OPE-L members might
be interested in learning that on Sunday in 'Alo Presidente', a
weekly TV and radio programme, President Chavez held up a pamphlet
on Yugoslavian self-management written by Michael L and referred
to its author as a "world scholar."

Workers self-management is, it seems, a much discussed topic now in
Venezuela (see article "Venezuelan Government Launches Worker
Co-Managed Factory" at
<< http://www.venezuelaanalysis.com/news.php?newsno=1516  >> ).

300 copies of a Spanish version of Michael's "Lessons of Yugoslav's
Self-Management" were sent to employees at a state electric distribution
firm and another *21,000* copies are due to be distributed by the
ministry of basic industry to workers in the aluminum, coal mining, and
possibly other sectors.

This, along with other recent developments related to land reform
initiatives and the arming of citizens, is indicative of  a rapidly changing
situation in Venezuela.

Wouldn't you like to be in Caracas in April?

In solidarity, Jerry.


Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2005 16:13:29 -0400
From: Comite Impulso <tercerencuentro@gmail.com>

Dear internationalist compañer@,

It is with great pleasure that the Organizing Committee invites you to
the 3rd International Gathering with the Bolivarian Revolution in

The event will take place from April 13 - 17, 2005.  Opening
ceremonies will take in Caracas on April 13th.

Please find attached the invitation and the tentative program, both in
English and Spanish.  Please feel free to distribute appropriately.

In Solidarity,

Angélica Gutiérrez
Organizing Committee

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