[OPE-L] Mini-Conference on Global Labor (Philadelphia)]

From: glevy@PRATT.EDU
Date: Fri Jun 03 2005 - 22:15:24 EDT

Fom: Robert Ross rjsross@clarku.edu

This material informs you about our tri-section meeting Philadelphia,
coordinated by Peter Evans, Gay Seidman and myself.  Please put it on your
various section list-serves and newsletters and as widely as you can.

Robert J.S. "Bob" Ross

Mini-Conference on Global Labor
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
August 12, 2005

Co-sponsored by the Sections on Political Economy of the World System; Lab
or and Labor Movements; Political Sociology

Registration Information
(Agenda follows)

In General:
1. Registration is free:  but participants are implored to register so
that proper room and food arrangements can be made.

2. Lunch will be free (available to pre-registrants only) and participants
are strongly encouraged to attend both lunch and dinner as highly
interesting events will be part of both. Thus, please see number one above.

3. Dinner tickets $10 (subsidized; pre-registration required).

1.      When: Friday August 12, 9 am - 8 pm.
a.      Check-in registration will take place at, starting at 8:30 am Aug 12.

2.      Where:  University of Pennsylvania, David Rittenhouse
Laboratories, at 33rd and Walnut Sts, Phila. David Rittenhouse Labs
(colloquially known as DRL) is 1 block south and three blocks east from
the University City Sheraton.

3.      Accommodations:
a.      A bloc of 20 rooms will be available from August 11 at the
University City Sheraton for $129/ room for up to three people per room.
i.      To make hotel reservations contact the University City Sheraton
and mention the American Sociological Association conference to get the
$129 rate. 1-877-459-1146. Deadline July 15 for this rate.
b.      University of Pennsylvania dorm rooms will be available for
$55/night, plus 14% tax, (two night minimum - cheaper than one night at
Sheraton). They will be available from Aug.11-Aug.16.
i.      To book, call 215-898-9319 or email:  confsvcs.pobox.upenn.edu to
make reservations.
c.      Of course, participants may use the (nonunion) ASA Convention
hotels. See www.asanet.org.

Mini-Conference on Global Labor  Registration form
Please fill out and return (by July 21) to:

Snail Mail:
Labor Mini--Conference
c/o Robert J.S. Ross
Department of Sociology
Clark University
950 Main St.
Worcester, MA 01610

Email: (Subject line: Labor Mini-Conference): rjsross@clarku.edu
Email address:____________________________________________________ Snail

Please reserve lunch for me:  YES     NO
Please reserve dinner for ($10 check enclosed made out to PEWS-ASA): YES NO
I am book my accommodations at:
? University City Sheraton
? Penn Dorms
? ASA hotel______________
? Other _______________________

Mini-Conference on Global Labor
August 12, 2005

University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia

The labor and globalization conference, August 12, will be  held in David
Rittenhouse Laboratories, at 33rd and Walnut Sts, Phila.

David Rittenhouse Labs (colloquially known as DRL) is 1 block south and
three blocks east from the University City Sheraton.

Cosponsored by the Political Economy of the World System, Labor and
Political Sociology Sections of the American Sociological Association

8:30 - 9:00 - coffee/continental breakfast
9:00 - 9:15  Welcome
Fred Block (UC-Davis), Political Sociology Section
Dan Clawson (UMass-Amherst), Labor Section
Robert J.S. Ross (Clark University), Political Economy of the World
Section 9:15 to 11:00

Session 1: Archetypal Global Industries I: Textiles and Apparel
Gay Seidman (UW-Madison), chair
Edna Bonacich (UC-Riverside), "The Logistics Revolution, Its Consequence
for Labor, and the New Vulnerabilities it Creates"
Victoria Carty (Niagara University), "Labor Struggles, New Social
Movements, and America's Favorite Pastime: New York Workers Take on New
Robert J.S. Ross (Clark University), "Freeing the Slaves to Fashion" Ian
Robinson (University of Michigan), comment

Session 2:   Archetypal Global Industries II: Auto
Peter Evans (UC-Berkeley), chair
Adriana Bohm (Delaware County Community College), "The UAW and Race within
the Context of Cooperation & Globalization."
Jeff Rothstein (UW-Madison), ""Opportunity or Threat?: Autoworker Union
Approaches to Globalization in Mexico and the Midwest"
Lu  Zhang (Johns Hopkins), "Hegemonic Regime? Globalization, Market Reform
and Changing Labor Politics in China's Automobile Industry
Mark Anner (Penn State), comment  (not yet confirmed)
11:15- 1:00

Session 3:  Community and Contingency in the Service Sector.
Peter Evans (UC-Berkeley),  chair
Bridget Kenny, (University of the Witwatersrand),  "Local divisions of
labor and the global service sector:  Global lessons from contingent labor
in East Rand (South Africa) food retailing labor market" .
Jennifer Jihye Chun (UC-Berkeley), "Contesting Urban Marginality:
Organizing Low-wage Service Workers in Los Angeles and Seoul, Korea"
Marina Karides (Florida Atlantic University), "Claiming Space and
Globalizing Streets: Street Vendors and  Transnational Resistance to
Capitalist Expansion"
George Gonos (SUNY-Potsdam), comment

Session 4:  Identity and Resistance in Center and Periphery
Dan Clawson (UMass-Amherst), chair
Kathleen Schwartzman (University of Arizona), " The Global Chicken:
Immigration and the New American Dilemma"
Jay Arena (Tulane), "Race, Class, and Globalization: The Case of the
Charleston 5 Dockworkers"
Ligaya Lindio-McGovern (Indiana University), "Filipina Domestic Workers
Around the World"
Ruth Milkman (UCLA),  comment
1:15 - 2:15  LUNCH:
2:30 - 4:15

Session 5:  Transnational Labor Regimes + Cross Border Organizing
Wilma Dunnaway (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University), chair
Kaan Agarten (Binghamton), "Organizing Labor Across Borders:  The European
Union and The Turkish Experience"
Jennifer Bickham-Mendez  and Marina Prieto-Carron (Central American
Women's Network) "Maquilas and Hispanic Workers in the SouthEast" (working
title) Sarah Hernandez (New College of Florida), "Agricultural Unions
Crossing the Border: Union Collaboration Between FLOC and SNTOAC"
Andrew Schrank (University of New Mexico),  comment

Session 6: Emerging Economies & Repressed Labor: Mexico & China
Robert J.S. (Clark), chair
Nancy Plankey Videla (Texas A&M University), "Limits to industrial
upgrading in Mexico's garment and textile industry before and after
China's entrance to the WTO"
Carolina Bank Munoz (Brooklyn College),  "The Tortilla Behemoth:
Sexualized Despotism And Women's Resistance in A Multinational Mexican
Tortilla Factory"
Ching Kwan Lee (University of Michigan), "Labor Politics in China's
Rustbelt and Sunbelt"
Wai Kit Choi (UC-Irvine), "Modes of Labor Control and Capitalist
Development in Two Global Cities: Shanghai and Hong Kong"
Beverly Silver (Johns Hopkins), comment

Session 7:  Patterns of Counter-hegemonic Mobilization
Bill Gamson (Boston College), chair
Suzanne Franzway (University of South Australia) and  Mary Margaret Fonow
(Arizona State University), "Feminism and Transnational Labor Advocacy"
Christopher Chase-Dunn (UC-Riverside), Ellen Reese, Teivo Teivainen -
"Labor and the Other Movements in the Global Polity"
Laura Raynolds (Colorado State), "Fair Trade / Fair Labor: Movement
Strategies for Fostering Global Worker Rights"
Peter Evans (UC-Berkeley) and Anna Wetterberg (UC-Berkeley), "Labor
Protest in the Global South at the Turn of the Millennium"
Fred Block  (UC-Davis), comment
 4:30 to 6:00 PM

Session 8: Reflections and General Discussion on Labor as a Global Actor
Peter Evans (UC-Berkeley), chair + moderator
Panelists:  Dan Clawson  (UMass-Amherst)
Gay Seidman   (UW-Madison)
Beverly Silver  (Johns Hopkins)
7:00PM -- 9:00 PM: DINNER and panel discussion
Robert J.S. (Clark), moderator
Jeff Hermanson, AFL-CIO Solidarity Office
Neva Makgetla, Congress of South African Trade Unions
Scott Nova, Workers Rights Consortium

>From  9:00 PM  onwards  --  PARTY!!!

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