Re: [OPE-L] The New European Anti-Globalization Movement?

From: Suzanne de Brunhoff (
Date: Thu Jun 09 2005 - 13:27:40 EDT

Dear Jerry
Neither nationalism or racism aamong most of theFrench leftist who said no
to the europan Constitution . Against social dumping and growing unequality
and poverty  within France and other countries.
Monks, who is  the head of theEuropen unions Confederation, including French
unions, was for answering "yes". After the French no, from 80 % french
workers, he said that the Constitution was "not enough social",and should be
We have read the text, and discussed it with a lot of "ordinary people"
.During the same time, we had our current activities: support to migrant
people, criticism of business quotas and of "fortress Europe" , and  so on.
Each week I read the Eonomist,  for  getting informations about business.
Not about left policy: The Economist supported war against Irak, while
French people did not..
Of course there are nationalists and racists in France. But I think that it
would be terribly worse if  competition among workers was seen as a good
Sorry to desgree with you, dear Jerry.
Best wishes
Suzanne de Brunhoff

----- Original Message -----
From: <Gerald_A_Levy@MSN.COM>
Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2005 2:30 PM
Subject: Re: [OPE-L] The New European Anti-Globalization Movement?

> > Attached is the draft of a Decraration of European Economists for an
> > Alternative Economic Policy in Europe on the French (and Dutch) NO to
> > "European Constitution".
> Hi Giannis:
> Thanks for bringing this document to our attention.
> There seem to be a number of Left Keynesian perspectives embedded within
> the EuroMemorandum Group (June, 2005) statement.  On some points the
> statement seemed to be rather vague: e.g. on monetary policy (what is, for
> example, the "optimal policy mix"?;  what specifically is meant by the
> "coordination between monetary and fiscal policies"?;  how would central
> bank structure have to be changed for monetary policy to be "embedded
> into a democratic process of discussion and decisions of economic
> priorities"?).
> What struck me the most was the lack of recognition that a No vote against
> the EU Constitution in France and the Netherlands was also supported by
> some significant nationalist and reactionary forces.   Shouldn't a
> recognition  of this fact be part of the public debate that the
> EuroMemorandum Group statement calls for?  Surely, now is not the time
> for progressives in Europe to be silent about racism and nationalism, is
> It should be noted in this connection that the statement has nothing to
> about immigration policies.
> In solidarity, Jerry
> PS: is the journal _Thesseis_ still being published?  If so, what are the
> subjects of recent issues?

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