Re: [OPE-L] "Capitalism in crisis can only lengthen the working day" [!]

From: Gerald_A_Levy@MSN.COM
Date: Tue Sep 27 2005 - 23:19:54 EDT

>That the working class is now in a defensive position vis-a-vis
> longer and more intense working hours is not as obviously
> incorrect as you are suggesting.


I  didn't challenge the idea that the "working class is now in a
more defensive position vis-a-vis longer and more intense
working hours."  In fact, I didn't even mention more intense
working hours.  Rather, I suggested that  that the assertion
that  "capitalism in crisis"  can _only_ lengthen the working day
_is_ obviously incorrect.

It is incorrect theoretically.
It is incorrect historically.
It leads to incorrect political conclusions and praxis.

Note (please) that I was responding directly to the article
that I cited.

In solidarity, Jerry

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