Re: [OPE-L] translation of innerer Durchschnitt

From: Hanno Pahl (hanno.pahl@UNI-BIELEFELD.DE)
Date: Sun Oct 09 2005 - 12:47:04 EDT

Hi Jerry and others,

thank You so far. In the meantime I found my German CAPITAL-CDRom and the
sought phrase (end of chapter 48, volume III):

"... Wir (gehen) im ,Kapital' nicht ein auf die Art und Weise, wie die
Zusammenhänge durch den Weltmarkt, seine Konjunkturen, die Bewegung der
Marktpreise, die Perioden des Kredits, die Zyklen der Industrie und des
Handels, die Abwechslung der Prosperität und Krise, den Kapitalisten als
übermächtige, sie willenlos beherrschende Naturgesetze erscheinen und sich
ihnen gegenüber als blinde Notwendigkeit geltend machen. Deswegen nicht,
weil die wirkliche Bewegung der Konkurrenz außerhalb unseres Plans liegt und
wir nur die innere Organisation der kapitalistischen Produktionsweise,
sozusagen in ihrem idealen Durchschnitt, dazustellen haben." K. Marx,
Kapital III, MEW 25, 839.

"In our description of how production relations are converted into entities
and rendered independent in relation to the agents of production, we leave
aside the manner in which the interrelations, due to the world-market, its
conjunctures, movements of market-prices, periods of credit, industrial and
commercial cycles, alternations of prosperity and crisis, appear to them as
overwhelming natural laws that irresistibly enforce their will over them,
and confront them as blind necessity. We leave this aside because the actual
movement of competition belongs beyond our scope, and we need present only
the inner organisation of the capitalist mode of production, in its ideal
average, as it were."

Thanks anyway for Your hint concerning the "general nature" in Capital!

In solidarity,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jerry Levy" <Gerald_A_Levy@MSN.COM>
Sent: Sunday, October 09, 2005 6:23 PM
Subject: Re: [OPE-L] translation of innerer Durchschnitt

>> While in the Grundrisse Marx used the concept of 'capital in
>> general' to define the range of his analysis (in German: Kapital im
>> Allgemeinen or allgemeiner Begriff des Kapitals), in the three volumes of
>> Capital he explicitly speaks of 'innerer Durchschnitt der
>> kapitalistischen
>> Produktionsweise'.
> Hanno:
> Capital in general is also referred to in _Capital_:
> In the drafts for what was published as Volume 3 of  _Capital_
> Marx refers to the  scope of  his work  in _Capital_ as
> concerning  the "general nature of capital" ("allgemeine Natur
> des Kapitals") .  See first paragraph of  Vol. 3, Ch. 6, Section 2.
> Re "innerer Durchschnitt ....":  we could locate the English translation
> quicckly if you could give us the chapter, section, and paragraph
> numbers from _Capital_.
> In solidarity, Jerry

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