[OPE-L] Dunayevskaya and Grossman

From: Paul Zarembka (zarembka@BUFFALO.EDU)
Date: Sun Nov 13 2005 - 10:01:01 EST

For what it is worth, I read carefully both Dunayevskaya and Grossman for
their statements about Luxemburg (in addition to other matters) and it
didn't even cross my mind that Dunayevskaya borrowed from Grossman.  I
found both of them quilty of significant, unacceptable distortion, but in
different ways.  It is published as "Rosa Luxemburg's *Accumulation of
Capital*: Critics try to Bury the Message", *Current Perspectives in Social
Theory*, Volume 21, Jennifer M. Lehmann, editor, JAI/Elsevier, Stamford, CT
and Amsterdam, 2002.


RESEARCH IN POLITICAL ECONOMY,  Paul Zarembka, editor, Elsevier Science
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