Re: [OPE-L] price of production/supply price/value

From: Paul Cockshott (wpc@DCS.GLA.AC.UK)
Date: Fri Feb 10 2006 - 04:46:19 EST


>Now, we know what is and what is not necessarily related to feasible
>reproduction proportions by scrutinising them. (To comprehend an object
>requires comprehension of its necessary relations). And on scrutinising
>them, there is only one scalar to which they are necessarily related,
>viz. SNLT. The extent to which Sraffian prices are related with feasible
>reproduction proportions can only be determined by this prior scrutiny
>of such proportions. If *no* scalar is necessarily related to feasible
>reproduction proportions then price (a scalar) cannot be either. If
>there is such a scalar (and there is one such, viz. SNLT), and this
>scalar is not identical with price (which it is not) then this scalar
>*must* tether price. (This tethering is dynamic and invisible to the
>static Sraffian calculation). Otherwise the thing that continually
>causes feasible reproduction proportions (price) is self-contradictorily
>going to have no necessary relation to feasible reproduction
There are of course other scalars that also exercise constraints on social
reproduction : electricity values, oil values etc. However the constraints
exerted by these are much weaker than those exerted by labour for
two reasons:

1) Labour enters directly into the production of everything, which is
not necessarily true of other inputs
2) Electricity and oil etc are not social actors, they do not represent
social classes struggling over the share of the output.

Paul Cockshott
Dept Computing Science
University of Glasgow

0141 330 3125

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