Re: [OPE-L] Marxian trivia question

From: glevy@PRATT.EDU
Date: Tue Mar 21 2006 - 23:11:52 EST

Paul B,

For more on Gerdes' book -- written by the author -- see the following
post from 1998 to the MATH-HISTORY-LIST.

In solidarity, Jerry

MATH-HISTORY-LIST Archives -- April 1998 (#38)

Date:         Mon, 6 Apr 1998 16:13:03 -0400
Reply-To:     Discussion List on the History of Mathematics
From:         "Paulus P. Gerdes"
Subject:      Re: Karl Marx and Mathematics.
Comments: To: "Antreas P. Hatzipolakis"

Dear Antreas,

you refered to my publication "Marx demystifies calculus":

        Title: "Marx demystifies calculus", 1985, 129 pp.
        Publisher:  MEP Press, c/o School of Physics, University of
        Minnesota, 116 Church Street S.E., Minneapolis, MN 55455-0112, USA
        (612) 922-7993; E-mail: [log in to unmask])
        ISBN 0-930656-39-3, Cloth, $ 19.95;ISBN 0-930656-40-7, Paper, $ 9.95
        (also directly available from the autor or from

This book is a translation by Beatrice Lumpkin of the book I wrote in
Portuguese "Karl Marx: Vamos arrancar a veu misterioso a matematica" (Karl
Marx: Let us try to remove the misterious veil from mathematics), published
by the Eduardo Mondlane University, Maputo, Mozambique in 1983. It is the
extended version of a public lecture I gave in the series of talks
organized by the Eduardo Mondlane University to commemurate the 100th
aniversary of the death of Karl Marx (1818-1883). The book has the
following chapters:

1.      Marx mathematician?
2.      Why did Marx dedicate himself to mathematics;
3.      Why is it that the mathematical manuscripts of Kark Marx are still
little known
4.      Contents and contexts of the Mathematical Manuscripts of Karl Marx;
5.      The dialectical method of Marx
6.      On the significance of the Mathematical Manuscripts of Karl Marx
7.      Source of inspiration
Bibliographiv references (55).

Reviews of the book have been published by, among others: Arthur B. Powell
(Science and Nature, Nos. 7/8, 1986, 119-123) and M.Meo (Ganita Bhârati,
Vol.9, Nos. 1-4, 78-79).

Dirk struik's article "Marx and Mathematics" has been republished in 1997
in the book edited by Arthur Powell and Marilyn Frankenstein
"Ethnomathematics: Challenging Eurocentrism in Mathematics Education"
(State University of New York Press, Albany, 440 pp.), pp. 173-192.


Paulus Gerdes

>Searching for the Dirk Struik's books editions (after Sam's question to
>btw, I bet for the "History"), I came across the following one:
>Author:        Marx, Karl, 1818-1883.
>Title:         Birth of the Communist manifesto, with full text
>               of the Manifesto, all prefaces by Marx and Engels, early
>               drafts by Engels and other supplementary material. Edited and
>               annotated, with an introd. by Dirk J. Struik.
>Published:     New York, International Publishers [1971]
>ISBN:          0717802884
>I wonder if this book contains any math. comments on Marx.
>DJS has also written an article on KM's mathematics, namely:
>D. J. Struik: Marx and Mathematics. Science and Society 12(1948) 181-196.
>This article, along with Hubert C. Kennedy's : Karl Marx and the Foundations
>of Differential Calculus. Historia Mathematica 4(1977) 303 - 318,
>have been translated into Greek in a small book under the title:
>Dirk J. Struik - Hubert C. Kennedy : O Marc kai ta Maqhmatika
>[= Marx and the Mathematics].
>Metafrash [=Translation]: Matoula Serefa.
>Qessalonikh [=Thessaloniki] 1987
>Another book on this subject translated into Greek (from Russian(*) is:
>S. A. Yanovskaya: Ta Maqhmatika Xeirografa tou Karl Marc.
>[= The Mathematical Manuscripts of Karl Marx]
>Aqhna [=Athens] : Ekdoseis Glaros, 1987
>(*) S. A. Yanovskaya: Karl Marx Mathematicheskie Rukopsii.
>Nauka Press, Moscow Press, 1968.
>BTW-1, one more article on Marx's Mathematics (I have not seen it):
>Paulus Gerdes: Marx Demystifies Calculus (Studies in Marxism, Vol 16).
>BTW-2, A web site on Marx - Engels Archive is located at:
>The site has a search engine at:
>Interested mathematicians readers may use math-related keywords
>geometry etc) for locating math. passages from Marx-Engels works.
>Greetings from Athens

Dr. Paulus Gerdes
(Professor, Universidade Pedagogica, C.P. 915, Maputo, Mozambique; fax:
258-1-422113; e-mail: [log in to unmask])

On sabbatical leave until June 1998:

Visiting Professor, The University of Georgia
105 Aderhold Hall
Athens, Georgia 30602-7124
Tel.: (706) 542-4045
Fax: (706) 542-4551

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