Re: [OPE-L] ISMT Conference in July on Marx and MEGA 2

From: glevy@PRATT.EDU
Date: Fri May 12 2006 - 14:14:24 EDT

Someone on another list, to whom I had forwarded Riccardo's
post on the conference,  asked me:

>  What's 'the critical edition' that is referred to in the title?

I answered:

> The new scholarly editions in German published as part of MEGA2
> of  Volumes 2 & 3 of  _Capital_.  See below.

But, (Regina, Riccardo, or Michael H),  why is that called  the
"critical edition"?

In solidarity, Jerry

09:00    MICHAEL HEINRICH (FHTW, Berlin, Germany)
Reconstruction or Deconstruction? Methodological Controversies about value
and capital and new insights by the critical edition

11:10       ROLF HECKER (MEGA, Berlin, Germany)
New Perspectives opened by the publication of the original manuscripts of
Das Kapital, Volume II

15:00  REGINA ROTH (MEGA, Berlin, Germany)
New Perspectives opened by the publication of the original manuscripts of
Das Kapital, Volume III

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