Goecmen wrote:
"The aim of capitalism is to produce as many wage labourers as possible and put them on employment to exploit."
The aim of the capitalist entrepreneur, I believe, is accumulation of capital. Through this tendency, more areas of human society has historically been subsumed in a wagelabour relation over time. Ricardo was one who made the accumulation of capital modus very explicit in his Principles. I don't see that the ratio of wage labourers-population is really as important though.
I think that what one believes to be "dysfunctional" to capitalism depends on what ideals you have; the individual capitalist cannot employ more labourers than what is profitable. In every day discourse, it is tuff luck for those who remain outside the pool of employed. Few see this as dysfuncitonal, rather economists regard it as a natural aspect of everyday market economy life.
One political system which recently collapsed was the USSR. CJ Arthur has made a very challenging claim when he metaphorically wrote that the USSR was a "selfaborting monstrosity", he even tell us that it was not a mode of production. Had this been the case, he writes, the system would have been able to reproduce itself. This is what a stable mode of productions does. Here we see a clear case of "dysfunctionality" in action, and one aspect of this was the full employment of labour aspect.
We can thus learn something about capitalism here I believe; for one, it is obviously much more functional than people give it credit. I think CJ Arthur mentions "the spring", the motor so to speak, when he differentiated western capitalism from the USSR. I personally believe that what we see in this debate is two sides of the same coin, an aspect of capitalism which might be dysfunctional in one way is also functional, the capitalist system creates effects and we evaluate these in contradictory ways, because they are contradictory.
I might have misunderstood something here though, I am not sure.
Från: OPE-L genom Dogan Goecmen
Skickat: må 2006-11-27 21:13
Ämne: Re: [OPE-L] what is irrational in the functioning of capitalism?