Re: [OPE-L] Wertspiegelspiel value-mirror-play: "Wertspiegel" - "value-mirror"(Das Kapital Bd.I Kap. 1)

From: Philip Dunn (hyl0morph@YAHOO.CO.UK)
Date: Thu Dec 14 2006 - 07:38:40 EST

Hi Michael

Nice to hear from you.

OK, if "Ultimately, this role of value-mirror is
assumed by money", what is the value-mirror that
mirrors the value of money?

--- Michael Eldred <artefact@T-ONLINE.DE> wrote:

> Cologne 13-Dec-2006
> In Fortune magazine  Vol.164 no.11 from 11-Dec-2006
> we read,
> "'Diamonds are essentially worth nothing,' says
> Mordechai Rapaport,
> whose Rapaport Group price list is the industry
> standard. It's all about
> what they signify, he explains: In the case of a
> wedding ring, it's the
> guy, not the one-carat diamond."
> Here "natural consciousness" (Hegel PhdG) or
> "everydayness" (Heidegger
> SuZ) is speaking with wonderful simplicity an
> ontically correct fact,
> without realizing that it is simultaneously speaking
> an ontological
> truth of the being of value.
> "Diamonds are essentially worth nothing" means that
> _in themselves_
> diamonds are worth nothing. They have no inherent
> worth. They are
> worthless, nothing -- just like anything or anyone
> else is worthless in
> themselves. Why? Because value, worth is in essence
> a "determination of
> reflexion" (Reflexionsbestimmung, Hegel, Logik), a
> mirror relation and a
> mirror play. In the first chapter of Capital Vol. I,
> Marx speaks of the
> one commodity being the "value-mirror" (Wertspiegel)
> of the other.
> Ultimately, this role of value-mirror is assumed by
> money. Value itself
> has no substance (in labour or anything else). It is
> essentially a
> mirror play that comes about in the play among
> things and among people.
> It's who the guy is, his whoness as who-status, that
> is reflected in the
> glittering one-carat diamond. The diamond and the
> guy serve each other
> to reflect each other's value in a mirror
> relationship that reflects
> also upon the new wife. Her value, too, is reflected
> in the diamond, and
> mediated through the sparkling diamond, the newly
> married couple
> reflects each other's value, i.e. their estimation
> of and for each
> other, in a groundless mirror-play: the
> Werspeigelspiel,
> who-mirror-play.
> Memo to future generations: Forget Heidegger's
> Technik-thinking if
> you're looking for any phenomenological-ontological
> insight into value.
> _-_-_-_-_-_-_-  artefact text and translation
> _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
> _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- made by art
> _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
> _-_-_-_-
> _-_
> _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Dr Michael
> Eldred -_-_-
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Phil Dunn

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