[OPE-L] SV: [OPE-L] What Ahmadinejad actually said - lost in translation...

From: Martin Kragh (Martin.Kragh@HHS.SE)
Date: Thu Jan 25 2007 - 09:58:41 EST

Re: [OPE-L] What Ahmadinejad actually said - lost in translation...

Jerry's reply came in only a second after I sent my first reply, and since he addressed one issue that also came to my mind, I will reply to it here briefly:
Jerry wrote:
"Shouldn't oppressed
nationalities which are threatened by imperialism with nuclear weapons
have the right to self-defense?  Self-determination implies
self-defense, doesn't it?"
This I think is false logic, presuming that nuclear weapons in the hand of maniac leaders like Kim Jong Ill would somehow balance the economic and political strength of America, Russia or the UK. I cannot anywhere see how such a development would be beneficial for progressive political movements in other parts of the world. Venzuela recently (last year) agreed with Russia that they would upgrade their military equipment tout court over the nearest future, including the building of a Kalshnikov-factory in Venzuela. A contract all in all worth billions of dollars. These types of transactions happen all the time, and even though the US does not approve officially, they wont do anything about it. Most likely, it's not enough to deterr a potential attack from the US more that a few days anyhow.  Sweden is now negotiating with Saudi Arabia so we can sell them some fine artillery that they can use to further oppress their people. I cannot see how this would be progressive or beneficial for the democratic movement anywhere.
Kind regards,

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