From: GERALD LEVY (gerald_a_levy@MSN.COM)
Date: Fri Nov 16 2007 - 20:00:08 EST
I was invited by a long-time friend and fellow activist named Barbara Lee to the opening today of the movie "What Would Jesus Buy?". Barbara Lee, who I have known since 1990 from struggles in and near Tompkins Square Park for the homeless, squatters, and street peddlers and against police brutality, had become in recent years a member of the Stop Shopping Gospel Choir associated with Reverent Billy <> and she had a bit role in the film. I was happy for the opportunity to escape for a couple of hours (from a deluge of e-mail messages from one person with veiled threats of legal action) to watch this film. Reverent Billy is basically a spiritual street performance artist and activist. I had heard him before -- including just a couple of weeks ago at a memorial meeting for the slain journalist/ activist Brad Will who was assassinated by undercover police in Oaxaca, Mexico a year ago. Some of the philosophy of the Church of Stop Shopping is described at the following: The movie is basically about ... political economy. The emphasis is on consumerism in the US but workers' struggles internationally and globalization (especially in the form of WalMart, Target et al) are part of the script. The poor treatment of workers in Sri Lanka who make Disney toys, for instance, is mentioned (including a story about how a union organizer had his knee caps broken). So, there is definitely a *very* serious side and series of messages to this film. But, it is a very humorous, entertaining - and oh so campy - film. Mickey Mouse is, for instance, placed on a crucifix and described by Reverent Billy as "The AntiChrist"! This is done near the beginning of the film but the meaning of it is explained as the film continues. A hilarious film, but it also has its real life dramatic moments. (I won't say what because I don't want to spoil it for those of you who watch the film). Although not exactly up to Hollywood standards in that it is a bit rough around the edges, I highly recommend this film. To begin with, it is a very good expose of the culture of consumerism and what it means for working people in the US and internationally. If it were available in DVD (which it isn't) it would be quite suitable for showing in some classes, including courses in microeconomics. I think students would enjoy it and it would certainly stimulate discussion. Needless to say, this is the right time of year to see the film. If you have a religious friend, taking that person to this film might be a nice way of planting a subversive seed. On another level, I think the film should be seen by activists who might pick up some innovative ideas from it about street performance art. Many Marxists - who often aren't known for their sense of humor or innovative tactics - might especially benefit from this: they might discover that political organizing can be *fun*! Although the subject is serious and Reverent Billy and The Church of Stop Shopping earnestly believe in what they are doing, there is a kind of feel-good-warmth, humanism, and positive vibes to this film. You can still be an atheist to enjoy it. If you find that it is playing near you, check it out. I think you'll like it. In solidarity, Jerry
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