[OPE-L] Global financial assets and global capital flows - McKinsey data

From: Jurriaan Bendien (adsl675281@TISCALI.NL)
Date: Thu Jan 31 2008 - 17:05:18 EST

McKinsey's "Mapping Global Capital Markets" report offers interesting aggregate data on capital markets:

According to the McKinsey survey, the value of total global financial assets-including equities, government and corporate debt securities, and bank deposits-expanded to $142 trillion by the end of 2005, an increase of $7 trillion from a year earlier and are on pace to reach $214 trillion by the decade's end. In 2006, global financial assets reached $167 trillion, up from $12 trillion in 1980. 

Europe, the United States, and the United Kingdom account for 90 percent of total capital flows. 80% of capital flows are between the US, UK, and euro area. Although global capital flows to emerging markets are growing rapidly, they still account for just 10 percent of global capital flows. The United States absorbs around 85 percent of the world's net capital flows. 

More than 40 percent of US growth in financial stock came from corporate debt. Equities are the top source of recent growth, increasing by $7.1 trillion and accounting for nearly half of growth in global financial assets in 2005. The vast majority of equity market increases worldwide were due to increased earnings and new issuance rather than increases in P/E ratios. 

Global cross-border capital flows topped $6 trillion, a new record and more than double their level in 2002. McKinsey data shows that foreign investors hold one in four debt securities and one in five equities, suggesting that national financial markets are increasingly integrating into a single global market for capital. 


You can access the report for free, but premium content costs a sub of $150.

The World Bank has an international comparison program here: http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/DATASTATISTICS/ICPEXT/0,,menuPK:1973757~pagePK:62002243~piPK:62002387~theSitePK:270065,00.html
From which you can get ppp ratios.

UNCTAD's world investment report is here:
The IMF's data are here:


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