[OPE] settings

From: ope-admin@ricardo.ecn.wfu.edu
Date: Fri Mar 28 2008 - 14:53:27 EDT

I have advised Samir of the following  - and set his mail to "DIGEST" -
but since it is of more general interest, I want to also inform the list
again of subscriber options.

There are two major options that listmembers have who do not wish to
receive (either temporarily or over the long-term) individual postings, as
an alternative to unsubscribing.

1. You (or I, at your request) can set your mail to "DIGEST" which means
that you would be receiving a single large post which contains many posts,
rather than all individual postings. It used to be the case that digests
were mailed out once/week (but I'm not sure if the frequency is the same
now). This can help a subscriber clear her/his e-mailbox, if that's what
you want to do.

2. You (or I, at your request) can set your mail to "NoMail" in which
case you wouldn't receive any posts directly but you could send messages
to the list. If you wanted to take this option, then you could simply
check on postings in our archives -
<http://ricardo.ecn.wfu.edu/~cottrell/ope/archive> -
at your convenience. This is a solution that has worked
for some others on the list who have had the same, or a similar,

In solidarity, Jerry

ope mailing list

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