Re: [OPE] Is 'dialectic' a scientific, pre-scientific or pseudo-scientific concept?

Date: Tue Apr 01 2008 - 12:45:19 EDT

 My last reply should read as follows:



It is not as arbitrary as you seem to think how one defines dialectics
as a concept of the world. It is an ontological concept and must be
discovered in things rather than in schematic definitions. The reasons
you give prove that even natural sciences cannot do without dialectics.
The concepts you refer to below are all dialectical concepts though
they may be used unconsciously: "Dynamical 
systems" (was first developed against mechanic mode of thought and approach by dialecticians); 'discontinuities' (implies the concept of continuity); 'feedback signals' (implies the dialectic of action reaction); 'phase transitions' 
(highly dialectical concept because it implies changes from one characteristic to another). Since these concepts proves the vice versa your claims "Dialectic is at best a redundant concept",? "dialectic' is used as pseudo-scientific nonsense" and so on stand without proof.




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