RE: [OPE] Dialectics for the New Century: geometry and meaning

From: Paul Cockshott (
Date: Sat Apr 05 2008 - 18:15:07 EDT


Hi Paul C:
What articles and/or research are you referring to?
What areas of research in political economy do you 
foresee the usefulness of modeling with high 
dimensional vector spaces?


We had a discussion on a paper I wrote a year or so ago on using Hilbert space to model commodity
exchange. Well that is a higher dimensional vector space. 

Then obviously value
theory uses higher dimensional vector spaces to determine the values of commodities,
it models technologies as matrices whose dominant eigen value is the inverse of
the maximal rate of profit.

Well Google are apparently using Hilbert spaces to understand the semantics of documents on the
web, the demos he gave were sufficiently good for him to be able to use them to get context
specific appropriate translations of words between languages.

In my case I invented the concept of commodity amplitudes in order to allow one to model
commodity exchanges as the result of unitary rotation matrices on the state space of commodity
and money holdings. In the case of what Domminic is doing he is using the same formalism 
with the vectors spaces representing the occurence of words in documents.

(I have only started reading his book, so I am not in a position to give a very good
explanation of just how it works yet), but the basic idea is that the inner product
between the vectors representing two words occurences in documents over the web, 
is an amplitude whose square is the probability of co-occurence of the words, and
thus of relatedness in terms of meaning of the words.

The formalism is of course the same as that developed by von Neumann when he
formalised quantum mechanics in the 30s. It is significant that he went on from
that to develop the von Neumann growth model, which uses much of the same apparttus,
and the development of I/O tables in the 40s and Sraffa and Morishima's work
derive in turn from that.

I am struck by how many different areas end up depending on the same conceptual tools.

I first came accross it in economics with von-Neumanns growth model, then 
read his work on quantum theory, then I found that the same conceptual apprattus
was handy for thinking through algebras for relating interacting concurrent systems,
then it turned out to be useful in information coding. We used the same basic maths
in the software we developed for the first mobile video phones. Then I found you
could analyse exchange relations using it, then yesterday I find that people can
derive aristotelean logic and the semantics of words from it!

Paul Cockshott
Dept of Computing Science
University of Glasgow
+44 141 330 1629

-----Original Message-----
From: on behalf of GERALD LEVY
Sent: Sat 4/5/2008 10:40 PM
To: Outline on Political Economy mailing list
Subject: RE: [OPE] Dialectics for the New Century: geometry and meaning

> Since the maths he uses is very similar> to the maths I use for modeling financial transactions I found it> particularly interesting. 
Hi Paul C:
What articles and/or research are you referring to?
What areas of research in political economy do you 
foresee the usefulness of modeling with high 
dimensional vector spaces?
In solidarity, Jerry

ope mailing list

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