Re: [OPE] Paula Cerni

From: Paul Cockshott <>
Date: Fri Sep 19 2008 - 05:33:32 EDT

Welcome Paula, I am sure we will benefit from your input. wrote:
> I am pleased to introduce to you (or rather, let her introduce herself)
> our newest member - Paula Cerni.
> Many of you may already know Paula from her writings on other Net lists
> or, perhaps, from her influential writing on imperialism. More details on
> life and interests follow.
> =====================================================================
> Greetings everyone.
> May I introduce myself. I live in Seattle, but my roots are in Europe.
> Academically, my first love was for the humanities: poetry and fiction,
> as well as languages (fluent English and Spanish, acceptable French and
> Catalan). Next I did an MPhil in social sciences at the University of
> Sussex, studying the impact of Hispanic immigration on changing American
> notions of ethnic and national identity.
> I was introduced to politics by my parents, who were CP supporters at a
> time when European CPs still enjoyed some popularity. I became very
> critical after reading Orwell's Homage to Catalonia and Trotsky on the
> Spanish Civil War. For a variety of reasons, however, my experience of
> the more left-wing alternatives has been disappointing. At present I am
> not affiliated with any political organizations or academic institutions.
> Since finishing my postgraduate studies, I have written a number of book
> reviews, journalistic articles, and lengthier essays, to educate myself
> and also hopefully to assist in the clarification and development of
> Marxist ideas. I feel that, although Marxism is going through an extremely
> tough period, the potential for regeneration is great, and I would like to
> help realize it, in collaboration with others.
> My interests range very widely, from the fine arts to the natural
> sciences and from tactics to philosophy. Political economy, however,
> is at the heart of my understanding of contemporary life. A favorite
> approach of mine is to explore the connection between structural economic
> change on the one hand, and broad cultural and intellectual trends on the
> other. For an example, please see 'The Age of Consumer Capitalism', just
> published at <>, where I argue
> that today's society 'fetishises the commodity's use-value more than its
> value'. (Feedback would be much appreciated).
> You can find most of my publications listed at
> <>. My plans for the next few years include
> writing about the service economy, and about the information society.
> Thanks so much for inviting me in. I am honored to be in your company, and
> look forward to working with you all.
> Sincerely,
> Paula
> =======================================================================
> Paula is only the 2nd person we have admitted to the list in 2008.
> Although Paula says that she looks forward toworking with all of us, I
> think I can speak for the list when I say that we all look forward to
> working with her and hearing what she has to say about political economy.
> Paula: welcome aboard!
> In solidarity, Jerry
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: did you receive the message I sent you re "OPE-L"?
> Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2008 18:44:06 -0700
> Dear Jerry,
> Thank you for the useful information about the list's rules and
> methods. I am very grateful for your invitation to join, and I accept.
> Greetings everyone.
> May I introduce myself. I live in Seattle, but my roots are in Europe.
> Academically, my first love was for the humanities: poetry and
> fiction, as well as languages (fluent English and Spanish, acceptable
> French and Catalan). Next I did an MPhil in social sciences at the
> University of Sussex, studying the impact of Hispanic immigration on
> changing American notions of ethnic and national identity.
> I was introduced to politics by my parents, who were CP supporters at
> a time when European CPs still enjoyed some popularity. I became very
> critical after reading Orwell's /Homage to Catalonia /and Trotsky
> on the Spanish Civil War. For a variety of reasons, however, my
> experience of the more left-wing alternatives has been disappointing.
> At present I am not affiliated with any political organizations or
> academic institutions.
> Since finishing my postgraduate studies, I have written a number of
> book reviews, journalistic articles, and lengthier essays, to educate
> myself and also hopefully to assist in the clarification and
> development of Marxist ideas. I feel that, although Marxism is going
> through an extremely tough period, the potential for regeneration
> is great, and I would like to help realize it, in collaboration with
> others.
> My interests range very widely, from the fine arts to the natural
> sciences and from tactics to philosophy. Political economy, however,
> is at the heart of my understanding of contemporary life. A favorite
> approach of mine is to explore the connection between structural
> economic change on the one hand, and broad cultural and intellectual
> trends on the other. For an example, please see 'The Age of Consumer
> Capitalism', just published at
>, where I argue that today's
> society 'fetishises the commodity's use-value more than its value'.
> (Feedback would be much appreciated).
> You can find most of my publications listed at
> My plans for the next few years include
> writing about the service economy, and about the information society.
> Thanks so much for inviting me in. I am honored to be in your company,
> and look forward to working with you all.
> Sincerely,
> Paula
> *From:* GERALD LEVY <>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, September 17, 2008 3:17 PM
> *To:* Paula <>
> *Subject:* RE: did you receive the message I sent you re "OPE-L"?
> Jerry, there is a short description of the list at the top of your
> archive homepage, but where do I find out more about its aims, scope
> and rules?
> Hi Paula:
> I told you about the rules: no flames. (there are some others: e.g.
> recommendations
> for new members are to take place off-list).
> If you think you have been flamed, address the matter off-list with me
> rather than on-list.
> If you think someone has committed a major ethical offense (e.g.
> plagiarism)
> raise the matter off-list with the administrators, not on-list.
> Over the years, we have developed a series of policies which are
> archived (including an admissions procedure). If you have more
> specific questions,
> I would be happy to answer them and provide you with a reference.
> In more general terms, although we recognize that we are divided by
> theoretical
> and political perspectives, we ask that members communicate on-list
> in a comradely way.
> The list is characterized by diversity (in terms of theoretical
> perspective, area of expertise, international representation, etc.).
> This diversity is welcomed and embraced by us. It's what allows
> us to have meaningful discussions. If we all agreed on everything,
> what would
> we talk about? The weather?
> As for aims, we originally had an aim when we started out but our aim has
> gravitated simply to the discussion of controversial issues in
> political economy.
> We can however, if listmembers agree, take a position on specific
> questions:
> we did that once this past summer. But, we are NOT a political party.
> We are a collaborative group. That means that the list belongs to its
> members, not
> to its coordinator (me). As you can see from the archives, we will be
> moving more
> towards a directly democratic administrative procedure.
> Our discussions have tended to be more on matters related to Marxian
> theory than
> anything else, but listmembers can raise any questions for discussion
> that they
> see pertinent (so long as it doesn't violate the injunction against
> flames). This is basically
> left up to the good judgment of listmembers. For the most part, this
> has worked.
> I have to go teach now so I'll break it off now. If you have any
> further - specific - questions,
> please ask.
> Comradely, Jerry
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> ope mailing list

ope mailing list
Received on Fri Sep 19 05:35:28 2008

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