Re: [OPE] Venezuela is the most democratic country in Latin America

From: Dave Zachariah <>
Date: Sat Mar 07 2009 - 11:43:04 EST

Paul Zarembka wrote:
> It is no use trying to claim that the bourgeois press in Venezuela is
> always lying. Its truths can be a weapon against the working class,
> as its lies.

The pro-Chavez/anti-Chavez style of this discussion does not really help
us understand the processes actually going on in Venezuela.

Here is a more interesting analysis which points to internal weaknesses
of the Bolivarian movement:


    "The 'Bolivarian revolution' has never prioritised the organisation
    of workers. When it comes to popular mobilisation, Chávez's focus
    has been on of the inhabitants of the shanty towns and increasingly
    of rural areas --- where his support in the November 23 elections
    was most solid."

//Dave Z

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Received on Sat Mar 7 11:45:05 2009

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