Thanks, Jurriaan. The figures you quote regarding the social welfare benefits of the mosques fit into my own argument as to why religion survives in the modern world. Organized religion, I suggest in a recent essay, is a "potent folk remedy, applied most vigorously where capitalism hurts the most - in developing nations where rural traditions give way to the man-eat-man conditions of the urban jungle; and in the USA, where poor public services, lack of employment and housing rights, and a migrant economy generate a dire need for community self-help. In these societies, even the smallest religious organizations provide close fellowship; flowers and counselling for the bereaved; or free breakfasts; while the largest, the professional charities and the megachurches, supply a range of services well beyond anything underfunded governments can offer."
Essay available at
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Received on Thu Mar 19 17:59:22 2009
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