[OPE] intrinsic value

From: Paul Cockshott <wpc@dcs.gla.ac.uk>
Date: Fri Mar 20 2009 - 05:46:44 EDT


> In effect the VFT argument ultimately seems to disolve this
> distinction between labour-content and price.

The _distinction_ is not dissolved by the non-deviation of prices from
values. A price is a sum of money. The intrinsic value of that sum of
money can equal the intrinsic value of the commodity it buys while the
distinction stands.


What is the intrinsic value of an account standing at $100 with a solvent US bank?
It is a magnetic record on the database of the bank, using up to date costings for
storage media obtained from current adverts

cost per terabyte $150
cost per byte $0.00000000015
bytes per record 80
cost per record $0.000000012
storage management $0.000000036
total $0.000000048

we could presumably use the MELT to back estimate the number of seconds in this
we assume a MELT of about $20 an hour which will be correct to a factor of about 2
Melt per hour $20
Hour per record 0.0000000024
Seconds 0.00000864
nanoseconds 8640

So we obtain a result that the intrinsic value of our $100 dollar account is a few microseconds
of labour. Of course, the labour commanded by that account is about 5 hours of labour, so
it seems unlikely that the intrinsic value of money has anything to do with what it will buy.

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Received on Fri Mar 20 05:48:45 2009

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