Re: [OPE] peanut butter value-form theory

From: Alejandro Agafonow <>
Date: Sat Mar 28 2009 - 04:26:34 EDT

Paula: **If they [crackers] don't sell, for whatever reason, then the value cannot be realized.**   Yes. Engels went even further and stated that in this case the labour value of commodities devaluates. This happens when overproduction appears or when commodities fail in the provision of utility to consumers.   Reagards, A. Agafonow ________________________________ De: Paula <> Para: Outline on Political Economy mailing list <> Enviado: viernes, 27 de marzo, 2009 22:08:01 Asunto: Re: [OPE] peanut butter value-form theory Jerry said: > 4. When the crackers are made available for sale (and even beforehand), > the firms which seek to sell them _presume_ that they represent value. They presume this because abstract labor is embodied in the crackers. > If they don't sell because the product > now does not have a use-value, then those crackers do not represent > value If they don't sell, for whatever reason, then the value cannot be realized. This is the standard Marxist account as far as I know. Paula _______________________________________________ ope mailing list

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Received on Sat Mar 28 04:28:36 2009

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