Re: [OPE] Anti-Semitism

From: Jurriaan Bendien <>
Date: Mon Apr 18 2011 - 06:31:11 EDT

Nice work guys!

Well, since Karl Marx was supposed to be "anti-semitic", it can also be legitimately argued, can it not, that all you guys who defend him are anti-semitic, and that Jerry Levy is a self-hating Jew?

On the other hand, Marx demonstrably befriended or influenced many Jewish intellectuals, so how does this explain Marx's "anti-semitism"?

The point really is that, supposedly, Jerry is "right even when he is wrong", and when he deliberately misrepresents others, he is even PROTECTED in contriving his forgeries - any criticism of that would be "anti-semitic". That is how the American-Jewish propaganda establishment works!

If you think I am going to accept that, you've got to be joking!


ope mailing list
Received on Mon Apr 18 06:32:15 2011

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