[OPE-L:1806] Re: Accumulation of capital in Ch. 24--Prmitive Acc.

chaion lee (conlee@chonnam.chonnam.ac.kr)
Tue, 16 Apr 1996 01:42:13 -0700

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Paul Z wrote,
Korean (and elsewhere) violent separation is financed out of pre-existing
surplus value.

If it were financed out of pre-existing surplus value, then it should be a part of current capitalist accumulation. But, the violence has been financed by the violence itself. The state activity is financed by taxes, inflationary money creations, etcr>
Those are a part of the primitive accumulation. You may think that the capitalists support financially the state activity out of their produced surplus values. But the method of exploiting the surplus value is not of the capitalist.
Even in the prehistory of the English capitalism, the state activity was financed in part by the surplus-values collected from the emerging capitalists.
It appears to be silly to assume that the original primitive accumulation was
financed not by surplus values but by surplus products only until the capitalism started. Both must have been going along together for quite long periods.
